Sunday, May 12, 2013

Do You Like Science Fiction?

Many folks enjoy Science Fiction and recently a friend who is a vegetarian and has lived all over Europe expressed to me his years of reading Sci Fi and listed many of his favorite authors. These included authors like Robert Heinlein, Charles Sheckley, Larry Niven, Isaac Asimov, Ursula k. Leguin… older science fiction for the most part also a little of say William Gibson or newer Heinlein.

In fact he likes science fiction so much he is considering on writing his own science fiction book soon. I thought to myself; “wow!” that is one heck of a line-up of great authors so indeed, I bet whatever he writes will be inspired by some of the greatest science fiction writers of all time. Myself I like Arthur C. Clarke, Isaac Asimov, Ben Bova, Caleb Carr, Stephen Baxter, Jules Vern, Gene Roddenberry, HG Wells, and try to stay away from the Science Fiction Fantasy. Although, I must say I do rather enjoy such movies in the theatre.

Between the two of us, I’d say that those are very famous and interesting authors. So we discussed the future of propulsion technologies that we both believe to be forthcoming and decided we wouldn’t mind a long-term space mission for the benefit of exploration, truth, science and humanity. “Yes, I too would have no problem with a year’s space flight, each way or even 5-years, if I had access to information to learn and study.” I told him.

In the future Virtual Reality might help entertain space travelers from going stir crazy? Soon mankind will depart from this home planet in search of our future destiny and all that awaits. Amazingly, enough it won’t be long now.

Do You Like Science Fiction?

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