Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Book Review - Nicolae

The third book of the Left Behind series focuses on the rise of the man known by Christians to be the AntiChrist in the last days on Earth. Of course, the story is not told from Carpathia’s perspective, but from that of the believers we already know and love – Chloe, Buck, and Ray. Ray and Buck struggle with the most evil boss in the world, the Tribulation force grows larger (and smaller), rescue missions take front and center, and intense Internet proselytizing begins. Just another chapter of the end of the world.

The characters in the novel are as consistent as they have been in earlier books of the series. Buck and Ray lead out, taking jobs respectively as journalist and pilot working for Nicolae. Of course, in Buck’s case, it is virtually impossible to NOT work for the supreme whatever-his-new-title-is, as Global Community has taken over all media outlets worldwide (oh, the damage that was done, the poor politicians moan, under the guise of “freedom of the press”; it does certainly give us some perspective as we moan and groan about how critical the press has become today of world leaders). Rayford, of course, is flying the big man around the world, and the information he gleans helps keep the Tribulation Force ahead of Satan.

Also in danger are poor Tsion Ben Judah, who earlier declared to all Jews that Jesus is the Messiah and now suffers from persecution and the loss of his family. Buck must sweep in and, at great risk, save the day (with, of course, a little help from God). You have to hand it to Buck, and his faithful pilot, of course -poor Ken never knows just what it is he is risking his life for when Buck is around.

By the close of the novel, the group has begun its online publications, spreading the gospel to anyone who will listen. Of particular interest is Ben Judah’s prediction of a worldwide earthquake, which experts disavow as an impossibility. Not surprisingly, the Book of Revelations trumps the experts by the close of the novel.

Hattie also winds in and out of the picture, and there is some dispersion cast on one of the members of the Tribulation Force. The dispersion actually really annoyed me, as it continues to do in the next novel, and the truth doesn’t even come out until Book 5, Apollyon. I’ll save my thoughts on the traitorous leanings for that review, but suffice it to say that waiting not one but TWO books in a series is rather annoying.

Overall, Jenkins pulled off another good read. The storyline is enough to keep you reading, and the characters three dimensional enough to get on each others’ nerves. More engaging and enjoyable (and, yes, also thought-provoking) writing by the authors!

Book Review - Nicolae

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