Monday, May 27, 2013

Successful Selling Equals Successful Buying

Sales success is very much dependent upon buying success. Yet, much has been written both truthfully and untruthfully about why people buy. In this book, buy-lology, Truth and Lies About Why We Buy, the author Martin Lindstrom has undertaken an extensive and expensive research project to separate fact from fiction.

Using brain research and technology, Lindstrom shows neurological evidence about how the mind makes decisions specific to buying or not buying something. He compares this data to current acceptable marketing and sales beliefs.

One of my most favorite examples is the message on cigarette products and how they are hazardous to your health. From Lindstrom’s research, this message actually encourages people to smoke not discourage them.

His research spans several geographic regions as well as includes a diversity of testing population. Through this 3 year and $7 million study, sales professionals have the ability to understand why people buy what they buy and just as importantly what they do not buy.

Beyond expanding brain vocabulary such as “caudate nucleaus,” the reader has the opportunity to explore such topics as:

  • Product placement

  • Neurons

  • Subliminal messaging

  • Rituals

  • Faith

  • Somatic markers

  • Impact of senses

  • Neuromarketing

  • Sex in advertising

Sharing research by others, you learn that even some pricey Super Bowl Ads actually turned off people by scared them away from the product. Many buying decisions are actually made subconsciously and we as the consumers are even aware of what is taking place within our brains.

Additionally fear can be used to play on our own insecurities. When fear is used in this manner, the results are far more beneficial specific to the marketing message. Lindstrom believes that this fear tactic in marketing will only be used with greater frequency as advertisers become smarter about their marketing efforts.

Lindstrom presents a powerful and complex subject in a fairly non-complex read. For those in sales, understanding the why behind the purchasing decision is necessary if they wish to increase sales.

Successful Selling Equals Successful Buying

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