Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Top 5 Ebook Websites


Perhaps you are an avid reader like myself? I am constantly looking to find ebooks online or searching for the next ebook to devour and sometimes just seeking the next self help ebook to learn from. Well, if you are any of these things then I may be able to suggest the top 5 ebook sites which can quickly fulfill your quest for literary adventure, knowledge, self help or just fun reading!

In light of the many hours I spend daily reading and trying to find ebooks on my iPad, increase brain capacity, or just finding good online websites, I thought I might be able to offer some suggestions to assist others in diagnosing the best of the best ebook sites and what they REALLY offer so I can assist my fellow ebook readers to avoid wasting time searching the laborious ebook websites as so many of us have done!

Well, I have found that in evaluating websites for ebooks it can be tricky. Most of the paid ebook websites offer some free books but you will quickly find that the free ebook websites are just disguised marketing tactics upselling you on another product at some point down the line in your ebook read.

My selection of the top 5 ebook websites is based on what they offer best! Not which is the better website. One company offers good novels and the other one excellent self help ebooks. The websites vary greatly and are NOT the same.

1. is a General Reading Website: Now, the best website hands down for getting well priced novels, and some excellent general read ebooks. This website offers an easy to understand interface and many good books for novels, poems, fiction and non-fiction, as well as several excellent cooking books. Pricing is affordable.

2. AMAZON.COM Novels, Poems, Creative reading: For these type of ebooks I highly recommend the good old as they are still the best for books of entertainment and recently written novels of excellent level. In general, Amazon offers all books, but NOT AT THE best prices.

3. IFINDEBOOKS.COM is a Self Help ebook website. This website offers help and books to solve any of lives difficulties. Such as children’s obesity, how to tell your child about the divorce, how to make money online, and many other interesting self help titles. This is a moderately priced website with many ebooks coming with one purchase.

4. offers excellent video and audio footage of their books with some decent self help as well. They are very expensive and not well priced.

5. EREADINGSITE.COM provides a subscription based reading opportunity where you can download a series of books and read the novels (primarily) as much as you want and as many as you want for a decent price. This site has many great books and is focused primarily on novels in the past 10 years. I hope this short informative article will help you in your search for the right ebook site for you!


Andres Chann

Top 5 Ebook Websites

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