Monday, May 13, 2013

Fantasy Books Are A Great Escape

Horror books are one sure way to keep yourself from sleeping at night. A well written story in this genre is sure to cause goose bumps. Stephen King is probably the most successful and prolific writer of horror stories. The man is a genius when it comes to inventing original and chilling tales that keep the reader spellbound. Fantasy books are a more gentle form of escape for those that are tired of their boring daily lives. These tales are highly imaginative and it does not take much to immerse yourself in the storyline. Science fiction books are the recipients of huge cult followings. There are many conventions and gatherings that take place for this genre of work.

Stephen King has done very well for himself in the horror stories niche. He is a one man tour de force in his chosen field. His imagination never seems to run dry and his stories are so well written that they have even been turned into movies. He has a large and loyal following that will read every new work that he brings to market. Stephen has never yet disappointed his large fan base with any mediocre work. There are not many writers that can hold a candle to the story telling ability of this master.

There are many excellent writers in the science fiction and fantasy market. Sci fi is written by several authors who are physicists, so the far fetched plot lines are at least somewhat grounded in science. Many devices first featured in science fiction works are now commonplace in today’s world. Space ships are now things that we are used to, but they were unimaginable even fifty years ago. Now we have space stations and people actually living in space. Many of these sci fi stories also describe warp speed space travel, so we will see if that does indeed come to be in the future.

Fantasy books are very popular and for good reason. These stories are an enjoyable way to get away from the daily stresses of life. Horror books written by Stephen King are always a treat and should not be read when you are alone in the house. And make sure to leave your light on at night. Science fiction books are the foreteller of tomorrows technologies. Most of the modern conveniences that we take for granted were first featured in sci fi stories. Reading any of these works is sure to be a very pleasurable and educational way to spend some time on a rainy day.

Fantasy Books Are A Great Escape

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