Wednesday, May 8, 2013

First Lady Comes Clean

Have you ever purchased a book everyone is talking about and get hit with the seven words George Carlin explained that you can’t say on television? I don’t know about you, but I don’t think a story line is enhanced by the use of words most people would not say in front of their mother.

First Lady of the United States, a political mystery by Anthony Scott, has taken fiction writing to a new high by avoiding the use of those seven words and any other words mom would have washed your mouth out with soap for saying before you were ten years old. Scott avoids using swear words and creates some interesting euphemisms for things other authors go into graphic detail describing. It is a refreshing work and one you can confidently suggest reading to anyone from your golfing buddies to your friends at church.

Scott states he was reading a novel by one of the better known authors when he noticed the over use of swear words. He was distracted from the plot of the book and did not want his readers to experience the same fate. He wanted a book he could give to the pastor of his church and not have to worry about any language offending him.

First Lady of the United States is a novel about a former First Lady who wants to become President. While it sounds like a current political situation, the book was a dream of Scott’s for many years. He claims any resemblance to a current candidate for President is purely coincidental and should not be construed as a political statement. The book begins with the former President of the United States dying in an attack on his wife’s campaign plane. The plane is shot from the air as it takes off from Houston’s George Bush Intercontinental Airport. The question everyone asks is “was it a terror attack or a personal vendetta?” Scott weaves an intricate plot of deception as the two investigators search for the solution to the attack.

“Writing this book was fun” claims Scott. “I spent hundreds and hundreds of hours on research making sure the book was correct in geographic, political and historical terms. We drove around Bush Intercontinental looking for the perfect spot where someone would be able to fire a shoulder launched rocket at an aircraft as it was taking off or landing. I hate to admit, we found several”.

Scott was able to conduct significant research in his office while surfing the internet. “You would be amazed what you can learn with the right search on Google. I learned about missiles, the Secret Service, FBI and the Carnegie Deli. Of course there were a couple of times I hit sites that let me know in no uncertain terms I was not authorized to be on them and could be prosecuted if I proceeded any further. Needless to say I got off those sites immediately”.

First Lady crosses all political lines. It is a mystery with a political base. Someone who enjoys mysteries will enjoy the book. As you read, you ask yourself, “How far would someone go to win the White House?” Scott gives many clues as the book builds to a “Wow” ending.

The book is also about the relationship between two investigators, and their work to solve the crime of the century. Scott brings the reader into the dialog between the investigators and their superiors. You feel as though you are a part of the team.

The story lends itself to a potential movie. Scott claims to have written specific characters with an eye toward the movie.

“I have a part for Fred Thompson. I wrote the character, FBI Deputy Director Carl Sampson, with the image of Thompson on Law and Order. I can see John Travolta as Mickey Hammer and Catherine Bell as his girlfriend, Natalie Evans. Of course I would just like to meet Catherine Bell.”

This book is for anyone who enjoys a good ‘who done it’. While it may sound like a certain political candidate, Scott is convinced if she read the book she would like it. He will be sending copies to a few former First Ladies and would love to hear back from them saying how much they loved the book. “I am hoping the book appeals to all walks of life. I want Hannity and Colmes to like it.

First Lady of the United States is a book you should read if you want to ponder on how far someone would go to win the White House.

First Lady Comes Clean

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