Thursday, May 9, 2013

God is Real - Undeniable Proof That Will Change Your Life by Roy Davidson

The Extreme Makeover – The Power of God to Change a Life

Retired artist, corporate executive and volunteer missionary, Roy Davidson, was an unconvinced skeptic, yet easy going kind of guy. Through some remarkable and unusual circumstances Roy discovered that God uses extraordinary and radical experiences to transform a person. God was in the process of bringing Roy into a deeper more intense relationship and understanding of Himself.

“God is Real: Undeniable Proof that will Change Your Life” is filled with Roy’s personal stories and experiences. He tells of his miraculous escapes from death, a forty foot fall from a tree, and a fifty mile per hour collision with a tractor-trailer. He writes about his supernatural healing, of being beaten by demons, and of his experiences in the presence of the Holy Spirit in the midst of “the cloud of glory.” Roy recounts incidents in which he suddenly with no forewarning was “drenched in the Spirit.”

Roy’s biggest change was an increased concern for the people of third world nations. Roy shares testimonies of supernatural happenings in the lives people encountered. Roy ministered in Guatemala, Costa Rica, Bolivia, Mexico, Brazil, Uganda, and East Africa. He saw miracles of healing, casting out demons, and multiplying finances. All of these parallel Jesus’ ministry, as recorded in the New Testament Gospels.

My appetite whetted, I was disappointed to close the last page of the book. I was ready for more of Roy’s thrilling testimonies and stories of the life changing power of God. I wasn’t ready for the story to be over. Roy’s prayer, in writing the book, is that these stories and testimonies will cause readers to discover the reality of God and respond to His call. I am eagerly looking for a sequel of more of Roy’s ongoing ministry and miracles.

Roy’s writing is compelling and motivating. Incredible. He is an incredible storyteller and communicator.

Creation House, 978-1599793962

As reviewed for Midwest Book Review.

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God is Real - Undeniable Proof That Will Change Your Life by Roy Davidson

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