Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Google Money Pro Vs Google Money Pro2

Make $160,000 every single month without owning a website or a product is the slogan on the Google Money Pro website.

Is it possible using the Google Money Pro AdWords system to make this amount of money every month?

I was fortunate enough to have bought this product about a year and a half ago. Back then it was Google Money Pro, and now it is called Google Money Pro 2. Wow, what a huge change.

Just like everyone else, I looked at the sales letter and then at the proof on Steven Holdaway’s (the authors) site. Well, he had undisputable proof that he actually does make $160,000 each and every month. In fact the sales figures shown on his website is quite impressive.

Steven Holdaway, recently revamped his AdWords system, not that the concepts in the first version was out dated, but more that he has enhanced the old version to include video and fleshed out some of the core concepts to make it a little easier for people to follow.

I found it extremely difficult to follow one of his core concepts in the first version, in fact it was one of the more critical concepts of his system. And it is, how to gather up keywords for your AdWords campaigns.

I was a little new to AdWords at the time and so it was difficult to understand how he expanded his keyword list. Until of course, Google Money Pro 2, where he introduces video lessons. Once I watched the lesson on keyword gathering I understood the concept immediately. Because if you get this part wrong then Steven’s method for making $160,000 every month goes out the window.

So here are some of his core concepts:

1) Create a huge targeted keyword list.

While other AdWords marketers choose a small but tightly focused keyword list for their AdWords campaigns, Steven exposes a lot of the high converting keywords with low or no advertiser competition. This is because advertisers are too lazy to develop their keyword lists and as such there are a huge number of untapped money making keywords ready for the picking.

2) How to ensure good Quality Score to gain lower minimum bids.

If you have ever been hit by a $15 minimum bid then this section will help immensely. He shows his method of developing ad copy that matches your landing pages and ensures you get a low Quality Score.

3) Use the Content network.

Other AdWords systems suggest you start a campaign by only using the Search network. Steven’s system is totally different. Steven’s method does not exclude the content network, in fact he promotes the use of the content network in all of your campaigns.

Who will benefit from this book?

Although this book has a lot of detail both for beginner and the advanced student, I would suggest that it is more suitable for the intermediate to advanced AdWords marketer. Only because there is a lot of work involved to develop a single campaign before you actually see results and if you get things wrong along the way then it could produce some unwanted results.

Once you start making sales using AdWords then this is the time to introduce Google Money Pro 2 to your AdWords marketing strategy. It will, help develop your existing AdWords campaign revenue potential to it fullest.

Google Money Pro Vs Google Money Pro2

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