Friday, May 10, 2013

"Soulstice - Luna's Dream" is a Provocative New Teen Vampire Romance

It’s a four-part book series, beginning with the story of a forbidden but undeniable romance between a teenage human and a vampire. The drama takes place at a high school in the redwood forests of the Pacific coast, in a town with a large population of American Indians. There is a vague threat of werewolves, though none have been seen in these parts in many years. This is the saga of Bella Swan, Edward Cullen and Jacob Black, of Stephenie Meyer’s phenomenally popular Twilight novels, right?

Well, not exactly.

The new Twilight is Soulstice: Luna’s Dream by Lance Dow and co-author Keana Texeira. Texeira is a triple threat: she co-writes the series, acts in the upcoming film (Lance Dow wrote the screenplay; look for it in 2011) and performs on the soundtrack.

Soulstice is the story of 15-year-old Luna Tremaine, a teenage vampire. She was born a vampire, not made by being bitten. Her parents have two other children, older sister Christian and little sister Skyla. Some sibling rivalry between the three sisters is to be suspected, but Christian tracks Luna like a bloodhound when she first suspects Luna is developing a crush on Paul James, the gorgeous human quarterback who just transferred from a different school.

Luna has a legitimate reason to be concerned about Paul: the school’s vampire upper crust, the Queen Bees, are out to get him. They plan a slow and painful death for their trophy boy as they drain him of blood. Luna wants to protect Paul, but from the first time they almost kiss, she suspects the human is the love of her life. That’s bad; vampires are supposed to be a secret from humans, even though they live together without the humans realizing it. It means turning against her family, her bff Lily Burgoyne and the code of vampire society, but Luna knows she must protect Paul James from falling victim to the Bees.

Luna is a realistic teen, from her defiant streak down to her iPod selections. Soulstice captures the thrills of teenage love the way Romeo & Juliet does. For that reason alone it will appeal to fans of Twilight who can’t get enough of Edward and Bella’s against-all-odds romance. It also contains lots of action. The scene of Luna and Lily confronting the Killer Bees in a deadly show-down is a heart-stopper.

Up until today, you couldn’t find Soulstice in bookstores and could only read it as an e-book. The paper version is now officially released. You can buy it from the Soulstice website; the softcover version is $21 if shipped within the U.S., and comes with a free bookmark. It makes a great summer read whether in e-book or the old-fashioned way. Download it onto your laptop and read it on a rainy afternoon as you sit in your favorite cafe sipping iced lattes, or take the paperback version to the beach on a sunny day. Look for it in bookstores soon.

"Soulstice - Luna's Dream" is a Provocative New Teen Vampire Romance

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