Wednesday, May 15, 2013

"Treasure Ship" by Dennis M. Powers - Book Review

Treasure Ship: The Legend and Legacy of the S.S. Brother Jonathan

by Dennis M. Powers

Citadel Press books (2006)

ISBN 0806527471

Reviewed by Richard R. Blake for Reader Views (3/07)

“Treasure Ship” is the story behind the story of the legend of the S.S. Brother Jonathan. The story is written in three parts. Part one establishes the background and history of this fabled ship from the date of it’s launching in 1850. Information was extracted by tracing the ownership and history of the ship from the ship’s logs. Powers details the many ownership changes, the ship’s transport utilization, near disasters, and the excitement of the California gold rush.

Part two establishes background information on the survivors, the search for the “Brother Jonathan” over a time period of over 150 years. Powers also introduces a glimpse into the subjects of Numismatics, deep sea research, and the community within Crescent City, California.

Part three outlines the disputes among the investors, their personalities, management styles, and the conflict between exploration strategies, their ideals and their motivation. Divers, salvage groups, and investors are drawn into the search for sunken treasures for many reasons including, the mystique, excitement, risk, and romance of the adventure. Many are driven by avarice, others by a desire to conserve and restore these priceless artifacts for posterity. These chapters include government intervention, legal battles, and a Supreme Court decision.

Powers has created an ongoing saga of colorful characters, scoundrels, egoists, and over-zealous bureaucrats. These characters move his narrative forward. Within two weeks of the disaster and devastation, a search for the battered ship had begun. These stories within a story give insight into the historical setting of the various eras as the explorations and discoveries were attempted.

The book is informational in the areas of shipbuilding and the sea worthiness of shipping vessels, Numismatics, legal implications of sunken treasures, the acquisition and ultimate disposition of these artifacts, coins, and gold bars.

Powers has researched and documented his work well and included an event timeline, selected references and a complete index. Powers has a flare for journalism. His writing style is colorful, detailed, dramatic, and informational.

“Treasure Ship” is destined to become the definitive work on the legend and legacy of the S. S. Brother Jonathan.

"Treasure Ship" by Dennis M. Powers - Book Review

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