Sunday, May 19, 2013

The Magic of Chant-O-Matics

I purchased Chant-o-Matics because I have an interest in chanting and toning for healing. While it does have some basic information about timing, ritual and color for some of the chants, I found it limited in scope.

It is well organized with categories and related chants presented together. I was very happy to find an index in the back. Something many books of this nature lack, but I find essential.

I found the examples a bit like a Roncomatic Infomercial: “Forget the weeks of preparation. Forget the months of study. Forget the days of ritual. You can overcome anything from nail-biting to cigarette smoking.” Or,” How Deirdre C.’s marriage-saving chant changed impending disaster into a second honeymoon. Within 24 hours of Deidre doing the chant, Chris changed completely.” While I believe in chanting to effect change, The examples seem too over-the-top to impress me.

Many of these chants are written in an unknown language. I was able to do an internet search for one of them Lo Spirito Palo. I found that it meant The Spirit of the Forest. I’m not sure why it is listed as a chant for longevity and touted as a chant to keep you looking young, but at least I now know what that chant means. I did try it out, to see what results I might attain and did feel a slight shift of energy. Whether that was simply from chanting, as that will shift energy, or this specific chant, I can’t say. Personally, I would never chant words I wasn’t able to verify. If you are so inclined to use those chants, there is no pronunciation guide.

Here is a chant to stop overeating. Pcobuvel nashvalyipen, Pcobuvel nashvalyipe. Good luck with that one. I couldn’t find any of those words. This one is listed as stopping fever:

ima trava u okolo, ima trava u okolo, ima trava u okolo. The meaning of this chant is “there is grass around”, but

I have no idea how to pronounce it. A Chant to bring full recovery:

Sarei sempre il padrone; Sarei sempre il padrone; Sarei sempre il padrone This one is in Italian, and perhaps it makes some sense – translated it says “you’ll always be the boss”. I suppose, take back your power from what ails you.

Chant-O-Matics ends with some more basic information on rhythm, rhyme and the power of spoken word. While this book wasn’t what I hoped, it is still a tool to help you change your life through chanting.

The Magic of Chant-O-Matics

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much! That did the trick, you saved me more endless hours of searching for a fix.

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