Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The One Minute Cure For Any Illness - Is There Really Such A Thing?

“The One Minute Cure” is an e-book written by Madison Cavanaugh. It describes a method by which, the author claims, anyone can cure any illness, disease or condition. This, of course, is an amazing and fantastic claim. So the question is; is this total quackery or is there any merit to it? I have read “The One Minute Cure” and in this article I will review it for you.

Needless to say, I am still skeptical about the claim Madison Cavanaugh makes about being able to cure late stage cancer by using a holistic method. I would imagine anyone would be skeptical about any claim as fantastic as this. Still, I must truthfully say, once I picked up this e-book I read the entire thing through in one sitting. I was absolutely mesmerized by what the author was saying about the holistic cure he describes.

I am unable to give out too much information about exactly what this cure is because of copyright infringement laws. However, I can tell you the cure involves mixing up a concoction in your home. Then, you store this concoction in a safe place and take it daily in the recommended dosage.

The recommended dosage increases daily until you have taken it every day for about a month and then the dosage decreases every day until you’re on a small maintenance dosage. The book explains exactly how doing so will cure a late stage cancer or anything else for that matter. Just how this happens is thoroughly explained in the e-book and even if you were never to believe it, it is a most interesting read.

A problem I have with “The One Minute Cure” is I have never seen testimonials by anyone claiming his or her late stage cancer has been removed by using “The One Minute Cure.” Still, I can’t rule out the possibility that some of these testimonials will be coming soon. I say this because this holistic cure is just becoming available to the public. So, who am I to say, maybe it really works! Fortunately, I am currently not inflicted with any life-threatening illness, disease or condition so I will not have to test it out now. However, I certainly would if a doctor told me there was no hope for me.

Another downside to “The One Minute Cure” is not so much it seems far-fetched but that one of the ingredients in making up the magic elixir is rather dangerous if misused. I say rather dangerous because, as the author warns, it is possible that misusing one of the ingredients could do some terrible harm to the handler of this ingredient.

Still, I really do believe there is great possibility in “The One Minute Cure.” I absolutely feel I have learned a lot from reading it. I have no regrets I bought it and, to a certain extent, a lot of what the author said has changed my way of thinking. In short, I cannot recommend using the cure described in the book because I am not a doctor and I feel the decision whether or not to use it is a very personal one. However, I do recommend reading the e-book. I think you will find it is very, very enlightening.

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The One Minute Cure For Any Illness - Is There Really Such A Thing?

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