Saturday, May 11, 2013

To Kill a Mockingbird Chapter Summary - Chapter 11

Jem’s Birthday and Mrs. Dubose:

The day that follows the previous chapter’s event is Jem’s 12th birthday. Jem and Scount walk into town to buy something out of his birthday money. They need to pass by the house of Mrs. Dubose to get into town. Mrs. Dubose’ house is located at the end of the street. Mrs. Dubose has a nasty attitude and never says any good things about anyone. She always shouts at Jem and Scout anytime they pass by the house. Atticus reminds them to ignore the remarks and still treats her with respect and courtesy because she is sick and old.

Jem Loses his Temper at Miss Dubose:

The children usually follow their father’s advice but find it difficult controlling their temper when Mrs. Dubose shouted that their father is not any better than the Black man he defends. Jem kept his cool until they are on their way home. He uses Scout’s baton or stick to destroy the old lady’s Camellia Bushes. He chops the bush viciously and left them scattering across the yard.

Atticus Punishes Jem:

Atticus punishes Jem by making him read to the old woman for one whole month. Jem starts to read for her on Monday and Scout decides to keep his brother company. The two endure the fits and moods of Mrs. Dubose, which normally occurs after the reading session. Each session seems to become longer than the previous session as the days drag on.

Mrs. Dubose Dies:

The old woman, Mrs. Dubose, dies a month later. Atticus reveals to his children that Mrs. Dubose was a morphine addict who tries to get out of the habit and die free of morphine. Jem’s punishment, the reading sessions, is part of her effort to keep her from taking morphine. She was successful and died happily. The daily visits broke her morphine addiction and she died peacefully. Mrs. Dubose saves a little box for Jem left under the care of her house cleaner, which in turn gives to Atticus at the time of the old woman’s death. In it lies one white camellia flower.

This was a To Kill a Mockingbird Chapter Summary 11; there are 31 chapters in Harper Lee’s novel, To Kill a Mockingbird.

To Kill a Mockingbird Chapter Summary - Chapter 11

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