Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Trust Me by Brenda Novak

“Trust Me” is the latest novel by Brenda Novak and the first in a trilogy of new strong women characters who band together to help themselves and other victims of violent crimes. While this mystery revolves around Skye Kellerman and will arrive on the book stands in June, the “sister” suspense novels will be issued in July (Stop Me) and August (Watch Me). The later two will delve into Skye’s partners-Jasmine, a psychic and Sheridan-lives and why they have joined forces with Skye to form a band of three in the Sacramento Valley area.

The Last Stand (TLS) is the name of the organization that helps victims of crimes. The three gallant women help authorities with investigations, teach self-defense and shooting classes and serve as a support system for not just the victims but their families as well. They are popular with those they have vowed to serve, but not so much with the legal system who see them as a group to watch over them and the investigations being done.

Since this story revolves around Skye, the background starts 4 years prior to the beginning of TLS. Attacked in her home by Oliver Burke-a dentist and psychopathic killer, Skye survives by fending off her intruder with a pair of scissors. Now, through his ability to lie, her menacing doctor is being released from prison after only serving half of his sentence. He blames her for his loss of freedom and reputation.

The Sacramento police detective (and Skye’s love interest) David Willis, who investigated the case knows that Burke is more than a clear and present danger-he’s sure he’s also the one who murdered at least two other women and assaulted several others.
With Burke free-Willis knows that he has to find knew information on the open cases to get this sick person put away for life-without parole, before he kills again.

Oliver Burke is on a mission to right what he perceives as the wrongs done to him-Skye is not his only target. His plans also include his brother, Noah and his wife Jane who he discovers had an affair during his incarceration. The living victims of his assaults and anyone else who has slighted him in anyway.

But there’s more-Detective Willis’ ex-wife, who suffers from MS, also has murderous plans for Skye, unbeknownst to anyone. With a third reconciliation in mind Lynette hires one of Burke’s brother’s former employees to break into Kellerman’s home and get rid of what she feels is standing between her and her ex-husband.

What no one counts on is that all the shooting and self-defense classes Skye has been teaching have made her stronger and braver than even she has realized. Not only does she save herself, but saves Jane from certain death as well.

Novak has created wonderful characters that the reader becomes involved with and cares about. Reading “Trust Me” kept me engrossed right up to the last page. The ending makes sense and leaves you hoping that the wait for the next two segments will come out in time for that titillating summer read.

Trust Me by Brenda Novak

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