Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The Boomers' Guide to Online Dating by Judsen Culbreth

Baby Boomers are turning to online dating in droves. Many of them do not consider themselves computer savvy, but they are comfortable sending and receiving e-mail. Most of them are veterans of previous relationships who have not given up on finding that special someone. If you are among those Boomers, then Judsen Culbreth’s book is meant for you.

The Boomers’ Guide to Online Dating is meant for people who are serious about finding a long-term relationship. Culbreth makes no bones about it – the objective of her book is to help you find marriage, as she did. Thus the book begins with getting yourself “relationship ready” by doing eight exercises and it ends with a year-long timetable leading to marriage.

There is ample guidance for using online dating services. Culbreth begins with overcoming ten roadblocks that would keep people from using internet dating. Then she steps you through creating a profile, choosing the best dating service for you, and going on that first date with someone. The chapter on internet safety is very good, alerting you to potential problems without discouraging an adventurous spirit.

Once you have identified the relationship you are seeking, Culbreth discusses sexuality and marriage. Her information on sexuality for perimenopausal women is especially good and should be since Culbreth, as a woman in her 50s, has personal experience to bring to the table. But it is marriage and not sex that is the primary goal for Culbreth. She ends the book with a month by month description of what to expect in the year that culminates in matrimony.

This is an excellent book for the millions of Baby Boomers who are turning to the internet. Not only does it contain good information, it also encourages those who may have doubts to apply their usual sense of adventure to a new task. She makes this clear at the beginning of the book as she urges: “Resurrect your Boomer attitude. Revive your optimism, activism, and sense of fun. March yourself to the computer and change your world.” (p. 6)

The Boomers’ Guide to Online Dating is an excellent handbook for any Boomer or senior citizen who is ready to use the internet to find a meaningful relationship.

The Boomers' Guide to Online Dating by Judsen Culbreth

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