Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Timothy Ferris Review - Author of the Four Hour Work Week

Timothy Ferris’s 4 Hour Work Week is incredible look at ever changing world of private enterprise. It is a new sign of Entrepreneurs, which are binding technology to attain Global Market, whereas outsourcing all of “Dirty Work.” Concept of this book is maximizing your prospective in life and in fact “Live the Dream,” in place of “Work hard for dream, which you have missed out.” Ferris gives viewpoint on how we must live our lives, and not work it away. He explains this new sign of Entrepreneurship as “New Rich”… term, which is likely overused for the generations to approach.
Timothy, author of best selling book, explains that agenda for the success in society nowadays is redefined by the work yourself to loss. We are time after time bombarded with lots of information, as we live in age of information and he challenges conventional ways of achievement and redefines importance of living life, which is pleasant. Isn’t that we all actually want and to live life that we live happily. In place of doing “Work for the works sake” like he explains it, we have to cut fat out of 8 to 12 hour work days plus focus on the productivity.
For people who have not read book also you are true entrepreneur, then I would recommend reading it up. It is delight of read and it will give you fresh viewpoint for ever-changing business.
Tim’s got long list of activities to his name – and he is successful entrepreneur, also he is the Princeton guest lecturer, fighter, dancer and he is the actor – but what got my focus most about Tim is he’s author of book with fascinating title as The 4-Hour Workweek.  In this book he also outlines the different ways to outsource your life and become free’d from the daily routine that so many of us face.  We have implemented a few of his strategies and not only has our income gone up, but our free time has increased.

Timothy Ferris Review - Author of the Four Hour Work Week

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