Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The Pledge: Your Master Plan For An Abundant Life by Michael Masterson

I have enjoyed Michael Masterson’s writing in the “Early to Rise” e-newsletter for a few years now, and I’ve also enjoyed a couple of his earlier books, including “Seven Years to Seven Figures.” So, when I learned a new book he’d written was coming out that focused on his strategies and systems for creating a master plan to live an abundant life, I immediately ordered it from my local bookstore and moved it into my immediate reading list. I was that interested in what Masterson had to say on the topic, and having just finished reading the book this morning, I was not disappointed in the least.

“The Pledge: Your Master Plan For An Abundant Life” by Michael Masterson is and enjoyable, motivating, and informative book that is meant to be used, not just read. Masterson makes a point in one of his chapters, and near the end in the conclusion that information in not the key to success and happiness, but the acting on information is what counts. He essentially shares the strategies he’s used to become very successful in most people’s definition of success. Not just financially, but in the quality of life lived. (Something he stresses often.) However, he is also one to point out that it does not come easy by just thinking positive or by working only four hours a week. To become financially successful, one must work. And Masterson shares that one must often work hard. But when the hard work pays off, it can often open up areas of quality recreation that success brings.

In the Introduction, there is a short test to help you look at your life and determine how good it really is. If nothing else, this gets you thinking about what your life is like, and if you want to make positive changes, it is good to look at where you are beginning. He also discusses some obstacles to achievement that many face. Next come the eight chapters, which are called “Parts One – Eight.”

Part One focuses on your Master Plan and what it takes to change your life. Essentially this part tells you why you need to plan and motivates you to get started doing it. Part Two is about goal setting, and Masterson shares how he does it and why he recommends you do it too. Part Three focuses on living day by day abundantly. Masterson’s key? Become an early riser. He explains why and provides some suggestions on how to get up early if you aren’t already. I also enjoyed the look into his typical day. It was sort of like Donald Trump did in a couple of his books. This chapter also had suggestions on how to be on top of everything. Definitely some good advice.

Part Four was titled “Creating A Richer, More Enjoyable Life.” I liked this chapter and the examples of Golden, Vaporous and Acidic Choices. Reading this chapter should get people looking at the choices they make and what they get from those choices. He also provides some strategies for living a simpler and fuller life that may resonate with many people in this complex world we now live in. Additionally, there are other suggestions for living that if implemented would help you enjoy life better.

Part Five deals with the push you need to succeed, or as Masterson puts it, giving yourself a kick in the pants. The Junkies Secret is not a way I’ve looked at this topic before, but it made good sense and I think the message here can help people become more motivated to go for their dreams. This chapter also looks at positive thinking, dealing with fear, and taking the big leap. Part Six discusses the skills of the most successful and how you can learn and implement them into your own life. I read a ton, but I still picked up a tip or two that I plan on using to read even more and get more from what I read.

In Part Seven, Masterson shares his ways to defeat obstacles that get in the way of success. Like the other chapters, there are some good strategies here. Topics include e-mail problems, being in a rut, and nine steps to defeating depression. Part Eight focuses on building wealth, and Masterson shares different ways people can accumulate wealth and the ways he’s done it. This is not a how to, but rather a look at directions you can look at, and then it will be up to you to pick one and learn how to implement that course to make money.

Masterson then sums up the book with a conclusion that lets you know what you’ve just learned, but also encourages you to become a better person, and above all, take action now. His final words, “The time to act is now. Seize it!”

I enjoy books in the business and self-help categories. They motivate me to continue to drive forward and if I implement one or two strategies from a book that help me advance in an area of my life, it was well worth the time to read and study. This book is one of the most enjoyable and useful books in this area that I’ve read in a long time. I have already marked the sections I want to look at again as I try some of Masterson’s suggestions in my own planing. I think anyone who reads this book and actually acts on the information provided will undoubtedly advance on their journey toward living an enriched and abundant life.

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The Pledge: Your Master Plan For An Abundant Life by Michael Masterson

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