Saturday, April 27, 2013

The Divine Sparks Were Fascinated With Planet Earth

The Creator shattered Himself to be able to experience the earth and He found he could not do it in the form of energy He ended up in, that of a spark of electricity. It was still too high a form of energy to experience anything caught in matter. When the divine sparks were young, they were very afraid and interested only in their own beingness. At this time they were aimlessly drifting around above the earth. They admired the earth and wanted to partake of her experiences but, being in the form of energy they were in, did not receive any satisfaction of having experienced the earth. They drifted endlessly for eons playing and gathering together to watch events on earth until the animal progressed far enough for them to try to enter it.

It is the sparks who moved on but could still watch and look back at what was happening on the earth plane who devised the experiments of perfecting the human form. They took divine substance and caused a transmutation of matter in restructuring the animal form, causing it to lose the tail as no longer necessary and redesigning the digestive system. All of this was patterned after life forms they found on other planets as they progressed. These life forms would not appear as physical matter to us on the earth plane, but do appear as physical matter to those on the other planets. We appear as solid matter to them though they do not to us. The planets beneath us appear as solid matter to us but we do not to them.

This is one of the complexities of trying to explain the spiritual realms. Perhaps using an electric fan would help with understanding. When a fan is on its slowest speed we cannot see through it. As we gradually increase the speed of the blades we are more and more able to see directly through the fan to what is on the other side. Each planet can see and know that the ones below them in vibratory rate are solid physical matter, but not the ones above. It must be taken on faith, as it were, that the planets above us are as real to those on them as our planet is to us. All our lifetime experiences are carried over, then, to another planet and experienced in the manner of expression for that planet, be it in the form of a dolphin or a bird or giant humans or tiny micro men. It is all the state of mind that the personality forms in.

Divine genes were inseminated into the animal females in the experiments to upgrade the life-forms found on planet earth. This was not done by sexual intercourse. It was done by electrical stimulation. There is a formula that will trigger the growth of a child within the female form. This formula will not be given, but it was the formula used to impregnate Mary, the Mother of Jesus. It had been used many eons before His birth in an ongoing stage of experiments. The experiments in the Garden of Eden with the Jewish Race were the last of the experiments until the experiment of Jesus. The same formula was used on Him and had a much more powerful effect due to the previous upgrading and also natural evolution that took place before His birth. If this same formula were to be used today the results would be exquisite in the type of entity that could be born. But this entity most likely would not be able to survive in the world as it is today. The world is not ready for this event. The time is not right.

The original bolt of lightning when the Creator shattered Himself, branched off into many branches. These sparks were the piece of the divine that tried to enter the animal-like forms. The sparks were asexual as that is what lightning is at the level this lightning bolt came from. It is both male and female energy. All energy is both male and female when in its pure and natural form. It is separated into positive and negative only for different purposes and uses on the earth plane. The same thing was true of the sparks. They were separated into male and female (the story of Adam and Eve) for purposes of controlling the forms but still are to be considered a combination of positive and negative energy. Therefore all humans have both positive and negative energy in them that has been separated according to major qualities of one sex or the other.

Your divine spark is your particular, personal piece of nuclear energy that broke off from the Creator at the time of the explosion when He shattered Himself so He could enter the physical bodies on earth to experience this planet. Your divine spark is half of the original spark that fell and split on landing. It is either overshadowed by positive polarity or negative polarity, but will experience equally the many lives it has as both male and female. Polarity and sexuality are not the same things. The polarity that your half is (whether positive, male, or negative, female) has both male and female qualities so is considered asexual. Problems started when these asexual sparks first tried to enter the physical bodies which were either male or female. This problem was solved when the sparks were split (the story of Adam and Eve) and only one half was allowed to enter into incarnation at one time. When the divine spark is mentioned it is just referring to one half, either the one in incarnation or the one on the inner planes. The soul is the two halves of the spark back together again as a whole soul, the one in incarnation and the one on the inner planes.

The Divine Sparks Were Fascinated With Planet Earth

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