Monday, April 29, 2013

The Red Pyramid by Rick Riordan

Rick Riordan, the author of the Percy Jackson series has started a new series by wonderfully mixing the modern as well as the mythological worlds. It is the first book in “The Kane Chronicles” series, which deals with the godlike powers of two children who are unaware of it. The child comes to know of it as strange things start to happen again and is introduced to the ancient characters after the disappearance of one parent. Battles with the evil forces follow and there is a deadline before which the child has to finish a mission, otherwise the society runs the risk of being plunged into chaos.

Similarities with the Percy Jackson Series

Of course there are similarities between Percy Jackson series, but that’s understandable, there is already a successful formula for the author there and there is little reason why it shouldn’t be followed, as the new story is also equally fast paced and mysterious.

The Two Protagonists

The story has two protagonists, Sadie and Carter Kane and their power comes from the Egyptian gods. The mission they are following is to search for their father who is an archaeologist, who was absorbed by the floor of a museum during a failed experiment to set things right for his family. The meshing of historical and mythological figures is just superb and even the dusty artifacts like Rosetta stone have been given a new lease of life. Even the ancient Egyptian storylines have also been revitalized.

The Magical Powers Are Discovered

Sadie and Carter Kane, the protagonists understand their own magical powers as they move from London to Cairo to Paris and Phoenix get into the shape of animals. Their bodies are inhabited by Egyptian gods, though still there are times when they try to summon a sword and all they get is a butter knife.

Great Narrative

The circumstances created are out of the world and some of the dialogs are just superb. Throughout their journey, Sadie and Carter Kane use the ancient Egyptian tools, such as clay figurines and papyrus scrolls which help them with information, during their all important battles.

Together For the Failed Experiment

After the death of their mother, Sadie and Carter Kane have become complete strangers as one of them lives with the grandparents whereas the other one is travelling across the world with the father who is a brilliant Egyptologist. The siblings are brought together by Dr. Kane in British Museum where he is conducting a research experiment which he hopes would set things right for his family. What happens instead is that Egyptian God set is freed. The father is now banished into oblivion and the children are fleeing for their lives.

The Red Pyramid by Rick Riordan

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