Sunday, April 21, 2013

Bengal's Heart by Lora Leigh

Book #19 in the Breed Series
Publisher: Penguin
4 stars

Dear Reader:

Short Review: It’s written by Lora Leigh; what’s not to love? If you’re a Lora Leigh fan, you’re going to love this one. If you’re new to Ms. Leigh’s writing, let me just say, I’m a fan, so I’m not unbiased. I’m going to encourage you to give her books a try, particularly if you like strong alpha males and paranormals. If you’re not a fan, or you’ve only tried one or two of her books, I suggest you take a second look. Read the long review for why.

Long Review: Those of you who have been reading Lora Leigh’s Breed series have no doubt been waiting for Cabal St. Laurents’ story, the hero of Bengal’s Heart. I too have waited for his story and I was not disappointed. Let me preface my thoughts by saying that this particular series has several key elements that are part of the series like a second skin. These elements are what makes this THE BREED SERIES (capital letters intended). The series is about very, let me say that again, very strong ALPHA MALES (again caps intended). This series is not for the faint of heart, but rather for readers who enjoy a book where the male is in every sense of the word the dominant force in the book and he takes no prisoners. All the heroes in the Breed series have only one weakness. They are vulnerable when it comes to the woman they love. They will do anything for her; they would die with out her. The Breed heroes are ‘kings of their castles’ and their word is law. If that kind of hero doesn’t do it for you, then perhaps the Breed series is not for you. If however you enjoy the journey of watching an alpha hero mark his territory, fight to the death for it, discover his vulnerability and find redemption in the woman he loves, well, this series is definitely for you.

For those of you who have never read this series, Breeds are men and women (some amazing heroines) who were part of a genetic experiment where human and animal DNA were combined for the purpose of making warriors. They were bred and held as animals, tortured and experimented on and lived under barbaric conditions. Their rescue and re-entry into society is tumultuous at best. Becoming part of society, living with humans, fighting for equality against prejudice and entering a world that is foreign to them is part of each book.

In Bengal’s Heart, (the 19th book in the series) our heroine Cassa Hawkins is a reporter and a staunch believer in Breed rights. Her investigations lead her to a series of murders that are believed to be committed by Breeds. Cabal St. Laurents, a Bengal Breed, is charged with the task of finding the real killers, clearing the Breeds of any wrong doings, and keeping Cassa safe.

Did I enjoy this book? You bet. Why? Well the simple answer is Lora Leigh gets it right when it comes to creating chemistry between her hero and heroine. Her ability to create the tension not only between her characters but within the story line is well done here. The story has twists and turns and is supported throughout by the reckoning of Cassa and Cabal finding their way to each other. The continual questioning and bantering between the two, combined with realizations and truths, create a romance that is worth reading.

So, dear reader, if you’re looking for a book to read, a paranormal romance that has a strong determined alpha male and equally determined, intelligent and strong heroine, an interesting murder mystery, a take no prisoners attitude when it comes to an alpha male protecting the women he loves, might I suggest Bengal’s Heart.

Reviewed by Marisa O’Neill

Yours truly,


Bengal's Heart by Lora Leigh

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