Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Does the Magic of Making Up by TW Jackson Pass the Smell Test?

You are going to find a lot of relationship books at your local book store. But take a closer look at the author’s name – Does it have a bunch of letters at the end? Well, you know what that means. It meant that person went to college for a long time and studied about human nature from the dusty books in the academic libraries.

But the real question you need to ask yourself? “OK, so what? Do these relationship books work?”

But what if I told you about a guy by the name of T.W. Jackson or T-Dub to his friends that grew up in a military life? You see, this type of life means you have to learn how to make new friends frequently because your Mom and Dad have to relocate all over the world. And T-Dub got really good at making friends no matter where he went.

And then he joined the Navy and taught electronic classes. I don’t know about you but some classes are just boring and hard to keep the attention of young folks. But T-Dub had one of the most popular classes! And when T-Dub became a civilian, his friends back home would constantly seek relationship advice from him that works. So T-Dub thought to himself, “Why not write a book about the best tips and advice I have so anyone who wants to fix their relationship can?”

And thus, The Magic of Making Up was born!

While reading through this book, I discovered exactly what men want and what women want out of their relationship. It is different and most folks aren’t getting it from their special someone. And this is why most relationships begin to break down and finally breakup.

I think that information is critical to know for anyone who cheated or has been cheated. Knowing this info is key to repairing your relationship.

I found out what the Fast Forward Technique was all about. It is a simple psychological exercise that you can do to eliminate your worries and fears over the pain of the breakup. Instead of getting all depressed and moping about the house, you can use this simple technique to clear your mind and focus on a plan.

What plan you ask? Well, the plan to get your ex back of course!

And that is what The Magic of Making Up is all about. Did you know that if you do it right, most relationships can be repaired? The trick is to do everything right or you can very well screw it up so badly that your chances of getting back with your ex is even further away!

The Magic of Making Up is literally chock full of tips and advice that you can use to improve the odds of getting back with your ex. You get 2 bonuses that are equally valuable in their own right.

The first bonus is called, “The Clean Slate Method.” It is a formula for apologizing to your ex — the right way!

The 2nd bonus is called, “Mind Magic.” And inside of Mind Magic is a sample letter that you can rewrite to send to your ex if you broke up recently that really is magic. But Mind Magic has two psychological techniques in it that you can use to get folks to want to do what you want them to do. It not only works for your relationship, but you can use it at work or anywhere you find a need for it.

In my opinion, The Magic of Making Up is the best relationship book you will ever need. So if you are hurting over the loss of your ex or want to get back to your ex, then get this book right away before it is too late to get your ex back.

Does the Magic of Making Up by TW Jackson Pass the Smell Test?

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