Sunday, April 21, 2013

"The Right Way to Write, Publish, and Sell Your Book," author Patricia L. Fry: BOOK REVIEW

The Right Way To Write, Publish, and Sell Your Book

By Patricia L. Fry

Matilija Press (2006)

Reviewed by Cristy Lawler for Reader Views (2/06)

I really looked forward to reading this book. Being a reader, but more importantly a writer, it was something I hoped I would be able to use in areas that I was lacking in. Well, I am so glad I choose to review this book. I have been a writer for almost 5 years. I got started in scripts, which lead me into children’s stories. I have had one published through a writing contest but that is it. I have wanted to take all of my writings much further but honestly I didn’t have a clue where to start. Sure I had read books on how to improve my writing skills but I could find anything on the market that made the next process easier to understand. Contacts, agents, submissions, query letter, and I had never heard of a book proposal before.

This book shows you step-by-step each and everything you need to do in getting your work published. For me the most impressive part was the book proposal and query letter. I had heard about the mysterious query letter, but I could never find anyone to go into details about it. Patricia, you did that, and you did it well. Nothing complicated, just straight forward – there it is.

I HIGHLY recommend this book for any writer. It doesn’t matter if you write scripts, poetry, songs, children’s stories, novels, chapter books, plays, series, etc. You can all
benefit from this book. I can’t see how you could possibly fail with this book. The next best thing is Patricia coming to your house and doing it personally. I am using her methods as we speak.

"The Right Way to Write, Publish, and Sell Your Book," author Patricia L. Fry: BOOK REVIEW

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