Friday, April 19, 2013

Stephen King's "10 O'Clock People"

Stephen King wrote a short story “The Ten O’Clock People” in his book “Nightmares and Dreamscapes”. At the time, I remember lying in bed transfixed in the fetal position, the duvet almost over my ears, lapping up every word, the most horrifying action painted in front of my mind’s eye.

The story starts with our hero, who has reduced his cigarette consumption. His mind preoccupied with cigarettes, smoking and health, he went for a walk. Skulking between the shadows was what looked like the most abominable monster figure. Our hero thought he was seeing things, too stressed by his condition to think logically. And the monster disappeared as fast as he appeared.

Later on, our hero sees more of these monsters. Now it is a reality. He is sure that they are real. Kind of. So our hero watches the news and asks around tentatively, but he finds out that he is the only one seeing these ominous figures. Meanwhile, their numbers multiply. They seem to be taking over our hero’s previously secure and solid world.

Then by chance, he finds out that others see them. And these others that see are smokers who have cut down. They come out at 10 o’clock to smoke outside their offices, and they see the monsters too. Only those who have cut down on their smoking can see them. Nightmare.

Now, many years after reading this tale, I help people give up smoking. In the initial interview with a client who has reduced their smoking, as they sit there telling me their history, I sit there thinking of the “10 O’Clock People”! No doubt my client thinks I am listening intently. Which of course I am. Only additionally, in my mind’s eye are the monsters and the 10 o’clock smokers out for a scary smoke. Such is the strong connection made by this amazing writer. If you can get hold of “Nightmares and Dreamscapes”, get it. The whole book is unforgettably good.

Stephen King's "10 O'Clock People"

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