Monday, April 22, 2013

Taking The Mystery Out Of Business: Nine Fundamentals for Professional Success by Linda Faulkner

“Taking The Mystery Out Of Business: Nine Fundamentals for Professional Success” by Linda Faulkner is a quick book to read with a lot of practical advice regarding not just business, but life itself. Yes, it is primarily aimed at business, but some of the advice will help a person in any organization and even family life. Faulkner illustrates her points with both research and personal examples. At the end of each chapter, she provides an assignment, which if you actually take the time to answer the questions she poses, will result in a plan to take your business to a higher level. While some of the topics she covers are covered in more depth in other resources, the advice and tips she does provide are sound, and if implemented will undoubtedly help readers succeed.

I’ve known Linda Faulkner for a number of years, and she has always impressed me as someone on top of things, a go-getter, and someone who cares about other people. I think these attributes come through in this book. I also found I was personally knowledgeable about some of what she wrote about. In fact, one of the conferences she mentions as an example was a conference that I also spoke at, and remember her topic and presentation. Because of this knowledge, I can say the real Linda Faulkner comes through in “Taking The Mystery Out Of Business.”

The nine topics that she tackles in this text are Mental Attitude, Research, Resources, Essential Business Knowledge, Relationships, Organization, Time Management, Money, and Customer Attention. All of these are important to consider if you are a small business owner. They are important for large businesses too, but please realize that Faulkner is a successful small business owner, and it is small business owners that she aimed this book at. This is not your corporate management text, but rather a small business owner’s strategies, tips, and suggestions to succeed with a small business.

I think one of the most important things that comes through with this book is Faulkner’s positive and optimistic outlook and attitude. In fact, mental attitude is the first thing she writes about, and she starts out chapter one with, “Attitude is the single most important element of success.” This chapter especially is relevant to much more than just business, but to life itself. Faulkner’s positive attitude comes through in this book just as it does when you meet her in person, and I do think that is one of the keys to her successes.

The chapters on organization and time management provide a few of the tips and strategies that Faulkner uses, but I found them to be pretty simple and not nearly as complete as other books that focus on these topics alone. However, a couple tips might be all you need, and if you need more assistance, seek out one of the many resources available on these topics. The key thing, that I agree with, is these areas are important to succeed in business.

If you are an entrepreneur or small business owner who wants some suggestions and tips as how to better run your business and succeed, Faulkner’s quick read will motivate you and set you in the right direction. The book may entice you to learn more about the topics she covers, and that would be a good thing too. But, just taking her advice to heart, doing the assignments at the end of each chapter, and especially keeping that good attitude, will assist you in doing more, earning more, and most of all enjoying more with your small business.

Taking The Mystery Out Of Business: Nine Fundamentals for Professional Success by Linda Faulkner

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