Friday, April 19, 2013

The Time Traveller's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger

The Time Traveller’s Wife is a love story featuring Clare and Henry. It’s the story of how the couple first met; their courtship; their marriage and the birth of their child. Nothing extraordinary about this you might think but what makes this story remarkable is that Henry has the unique ability to travel through time. Henry first meets Clare when she is no more than a child and from there after at various points in her life.

Like many gifts, Henry’s ability to jump from one time to another is more of a curse then a blessing and it is not a trick he can perform at will. Despite the obvious benefits, such as knowing what the winning lottery numbers will be, there are also some disadvantages. Henry can not predict where and when he will time travel, nor can he take anything with him – not even the clothes he is wearing. As you can imagine, this puts Henry in some rather awkward situations, not to mention the havoc it plays with his relationship with Clare.

The story itself is well written and although the frequent time jumps can be difficult to follow at first, as the characters become more rounded and the individual pieces of the jigsaw begin to fit then the story starts to make some sense.

The book is quite long but some people claim to have it read it from start to finish in one sitting – although this is quite an achievement it’s not one which is difficult to believe. The tale takes hold of your imagination and doesn’t let go. Will they marry, can they ever have a child and enjoy a regular family life and what really happened that day in Clare’s garden.

As the story unfolds then all your questions are eventually answered, but not always in a way you might wish for?

The Time Traveller’s Wife is a great book, easy to read and a story well told – if you’ve ever dreamt of been able to see the future then after reading this book you might think again? Is this a clue to what happens, not really, but you’ll appreciate your life in the here and now is probably much better for not knowing what the future holds?

The Time Traveller's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger

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