Friday, April 5, 2013

Web Analytics - An Hour a Day - Book Review

I just finished reading “Web Analytics; An Hour a Day” by Avanish Kaushik. As a blogging professional and Internet marketer, I am always on the lookout for new books on this subject. This is one of the best books on this subject of Internet analytics.

As the title suggests, this book is about spending an hour a day to improve your website or blog through understanding and improving your metrics. This book is written in an easy to understand manner which is useful because this topic is very complex. The book is broken down into three main sections, with the first describing the background and history of analytics. The next section is about understanding the various metrics and the final section is about improving your results. The author provides very clear and relevant examples that help illustrate his point. I also likes how organized the book was and it is written in a way where you can easily find the information you need without having to read the entire book to find it. My favorite part of the book is when he explained that the most important thing to remember is that your site should always focus on the customer’s experience. This is something we as marketers tend to forget sometimes and the author did a great job of simplifying this key idea.

The one criticism that I have is that they spent too much time talking about Google and not enough time talking about the other search engines or methods of gaining traffic to your site. With that being said, I still whole heartedly recommend this book to anyone that has a website.

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Web Analytics - An Hour a Day - Book Review

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