Thursday, April 4, 2013

Tim Ferris' 4-Hour Work Week Offers 21st Century Success Strategies For Everyone

Have you ever wondered why computers didn’t ever really come through for us? Initially, we thought these speedy high tech machines would free up our workweek and therefore increase quality of life. Computers have doubled their speed every 18 months for quite some time. Meanwhile, our mindsets are still dialed into the Industrial Age.

The Industrial Age work ethic is what causes someone to just pass “The Four Hour Work Week” right on by. I mean if you thought it were possible who wouldn’t read it? But for most people they think it’s a pie in the sky utopia or some get rich quick scheme, too good to be true.

A few generations into the advent of the computer/information age, the twenty something’s whose work ethic is not mired in the industrial age mentality are showing us the way, if only we can expand our belief system so its just big enough to consider a new way of being in the world.

I imagine that by the next generation we may be saying to our grandchildren, “When I was your age, I worked 50-60 hours a week” much the same way our grandparents told us how they walked 5 miles just to get to school and we looked at them in disbelief!

And then our grandchildren will say to us just as skeptically “…and you didn’t even really like your job?!” and we’ll nod our heads yes, still wondering how these kids today even earn a living working as little as they do, doing something they actually enjoy!

In order to thrive in the 21st century people will need to let go of the hard work and discipline mindset that drove our parents and grandparents through the 2oth century. Otherwise, they will find themselves getting increasingly further behind and more and more stressed out.

To begin re-programming your mind for more beauty, abundance and freedom without having to hurt yourself to get it, I highly recommend “The Four Hour Work Week” by Tim Ferris.

Discipline isn’t only about obedience, punishment and control. Discipline comes from the word disciple which means “to joyfully follow”. Learning to joyfully follow your inner guidance and work smarter not harder are the keys to success in this century.

I may not be twenty-something but thanks to an internal GPS directed at freedom and a big imagination I’ve managed to integrate a new mind set that allows for more abundance and a balanced life that leaves room for genuinely connecting with my loved ones.

Tim Ferris' 4-Hour Work Week Offers 21st Century Success Strategies For Everyone

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