Friday, March 29, 2013

Bestselling Books About Living And Dealing With Cancer

Rebecca Skloot’s remarkable true story about a poor African American migrant who died from an aggressive cancer at the age of 30 in 1951 is captured in The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks. A sample of Henrietta’s cancerous tissue was taken without her knowledge or consent and was studied by scientists who became fascinated with their potential to survive and thrive outside of the human body. Beginning with the cure for polio, Henrietta’s cells gave way for countless breakthroughs in medicine. The Lacks family continued to live in poverty and knew not of Henrietta’s unknowing contribution until decades later. Skloot pieced together the threads of this story and shares this haunting tale with us.

The Emperor of All Maladies by Siddhartha Mukherjee is a comprehensive and eloquent account of cancer’s origins, modern treatments, and preventative care. This book discusses chemotherapy, radiation, surgery that came about after a century’s worth of research, trials, and breakthroughs around the world. Against a backdrop of science and history, Mukherjee also illustrates a meditation on illness, medical ethics, and the lives of doctors and patients. This book is written with compassion for cancer families and patients alike and provides a profound account of a frighteningly complicated disease.

David Servan-Schreiber’s Anticancer, A New Way of Life draws from his own successful experiences with chemotherapy and surgery for his brain cancer. Servan-Schreiber spent months researching natural defenses against cancer after his oncologist told him there was no such thing as a lifestyle change that could prevent cancer. In his book he describes and promotes that certain environmental, dietary, and emotional adjustments can make a person reduce carcinogenic influences in their life. However, Servan-Schreiber does not promote these methods in lieu of modern methods but recommends them in addition to chemotherapy and surgery. This book is inspirational in the sense that Servan-Schreiber shares what he claims helped him beat cancer twice and cured him once and for all.

The Gerson Therapy: The Proven Nutritional Program for Cancer and Other Illnesses by Charlotte Gerson is a must-read for any health-conscious individual. The Gerson Therapy offers hope for those seeking relief from hundred of diseases that have been called incurable such as cancer, hepatitis, migraines, arthritis, heart disease, and emphysema. This therapy has treated thousands of patients over the past 60 years. The Gerson Therapy champions the healthful effects of organic fruits and vegetables and states that juicing can reverse the effects of many degenerative illnesses and save lives. By changing your body chemistry, this book promises you can beat cancer, allergies, AIDS, and lupus.

Suzanne Somers’ Knockout: Interviews with Doctors Who are Curing Cancer-And How to Prevent Getting It in the First Place depicts interviews with doctors who are finding success with the most innovative cancer treatments out there today. Contrary to traditional methods, these treatments build up the body instead of tearing it down. Drawing from her own experiences with cancer and her decade-long fight to save her life, Somers has emerged confident and knowledgeable about her personal choices and shares these with the world in her book. Also included are ways to prevent cancer in the first place.

Bestselling Books About Living And Dealing With Cancer

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