Sunday, March 31, 2013

Misquoting Jesus - Religious Book Review

This book really gets you thinking about Christianity and some of the problems within the Holy Bible. The book,” Misquoting Jesus, was written by Bart Ehrman, who is a religious studies professor at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and is a widely regarded authority on the history of the New Testament.”

Most people don’t realize that the Holy Bible has originated from individual books that were written by men. The Holy Bible wasn’t written by God, but was written by a large group of men. Often this is hard for some Christians to accept, but nevertheless is the truth.

Bart points out the mistakes that some of these men made, while copying the Bible. Before the printing press, everything needed to be hand copied and some of the people who were creating new copies, often took liberties that they shouldn’t have and quite frankly changed the information, when they should have been copying it exactly word for word.

Here’s something that Bart points out in his book, today’s Bible has gathered its information, from copies of copies of copies of copies of New Testament text. In other words, no one has the original copies of anything, written in the Bible.

These copies have been changed and rewritten and changed again, over the centuries. Nobody really knows what the original authors had actually written. This book is full of useful information about biblical scriptures and Bart does a wonderful job, providing us with factual information.

I think one of the things that I liked about this book the most, was that I haven’t heard anyone question the information located within this book. I often hear other scientists, philosophers or educated individuals, making comments about information provided in some of the books that I read, I’m not hearing anything bad about this book.

I really enjoyed the book and I hope that you pick up a copy of it and read it as soon as possible. Don’t forget that this book is also available on audio. Great book I highly recommend it.

Misquoting Jesus - Religious Book Review

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