Saturday, March 30, 2013

The Deviant - Book Review

The following quote taken from the back cover, “The Deviant is a story that will make you afraid of yourself”, could not be more truthfully stated.

Here we have a story about a writer who realizes his life is going places he doesn’t want, his talent as a writer is sadly slipping and he is losing his readers rapidly. Already, he thinks, members in the industry are snickering at his age and see him as a “has been”.

Someone is messing with his psyche and this constant battle begins to destroy the person he used to be. His incredibly high intelligence has rarely met an equal – and this connection is like a drug to him. When he meets his equal in Detective Mallory, one of the most dedicated law officers on the case of a serial killer, he is entranced.

Perhaps because I am a writer, and as such, am often isolated from the rat race in my home office, the main character spooked me quite a bit. Realistically, though, we all have that little voice, but few let it become it’s own entity. The idea that it could, and does, happen is a frightening thought. The first few chapters show the development of just such an entity in the main character. At times, I was wondering when the dialogue would end, but I was very glad I read it all, as it was necessary for the story line to be fully effective.

Michael Harris’s psychological thriller, The Deviant, is a recently released work put out by Better Be Write Publishing. This publisher has put out several books this year that I have had the pleasure of reading and reviewing. If you enjoyed this book, you may also enjoy these other titles by this publisher: “Don’t Go Alone” by Margaret Lenois, or “Jill 9″ by J.D. Tynan.

ISBN#: 0-9771971-0-7
Author: Michael Harris
Publisher: Better Be Write Publishing

Other recommended reading: Island Off Stony Point – Regis Schilken & The Chaos Cycle – John Kerchack

The Deviant - Book Review

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