Friday, March 22, 2013

Random Acts Of Heroic Love

What is love? Why is love such an intoxicating feeling? Can we live without love?

THERE are lots of variations to love; some may claim it is a feeling that keeps you on a high; others will say that love is an emotional attachment; I’ve heard that love is a suffering; love is a passion and purpose to life; life is the seed igniting our entire being; love is ecstasy and love is total surrendering.

Random Acts of Heroic Love is manifesting and expressing the unconditional gift of giving and sharing with one another; I believe that this book is showing us that “love is the emotional pleasure a human being experiences when he/she understands and focuses on the virtues of another human being.

Loving one another unconditionally and sincerely connecting in the most intimate fashion; becoming one every which way is the true seed to one’s happiness; making them complete, at ease and at home.

Is there anything more beautiful than love out there? The love between two people; that bond that only they two share.

I was deeply moved by this book. Danny turns one the light to love; restoring in us that love will always shine; love can conquer fear, doubts and worries. Love can lead us to make tremendous sacrifices and keep us in line with our dreams, goals and purpose.

Looking at living life with our hearts can change the course of our lives and that is one of the kept secrets to our existence; slowing down the aging process; keep us fit and content; patient and giving; kind and listening.

As we face challenges beyond our control we can choose to spend more time with our loved ones; share loving moments with those special people in our lives; extend deeper love for our children; spouses, parents, friends, neighbors and co-workers.

The magic of love will turn a new leaf in your life too. I know that it works miracles for me.
After all the individual benefits beyond expectations. Filling the air with love with influence and infuse more love at your workplace, school, home, etc. and it is contagious in an amazing way.

I would like to take this opportunity and introduce a poem. The message is clear, loud and extremely necessary.
The strings of love Dedicated to “random acts of heroic love’ Danny Scheinmann

Friday Morning
A closure to another workweek
And I am totally in the now

Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata playing in the background
Guitar strings, gentle fingers setting the mood
By a perfect stranger

How beautifully he connects me
To feelings overwhelmed by rich
Memories never to forget
Stories lived holding on and letting go
Fear chasing love away

Conquering my mind with the meaning of love?
An obligation perhaps overlooked; never touched
To the core, missed the tempo, time and time over again

Is there anything more delightful than?

Where would we be without it?

Time comes and time goes

Youth disappears WITH experiences and deep understanding
Wisdom by knowing more than you could ever imagine

Illusions replaced by reality


Where would we be without it?

She reached out to pet her dog;
He read a story to his little boy
They held each other tightly so no one can enter their circle
Breathing in and out passion and hope
Lust and longing

A mother kissing her daughter on top of her forehead
Good luck to you my precious; it’s time for college
Sharing a lifetime of giving, cherishing and caring
Sleepless nights and busy days

A soldier off to a battle breaking away with hidden pain
From his young wife carrying his first child

Grandchildren gathering around grandpa a sad goodbye
Waving a kiss only he can feel

A brother and a sister
We shall never quarrel again

A couple expressing a commitment
For now and always
With a shinny ring

The highest level of pleasure
Life as it was and will always be

Where would we be without it?

A man and woman chatting far away from one another
Hearing an echo wishing for…
The unspoken words
Hanging up the telephone with a deep void
Only they know

True friends celebrating ups and downs
Together forever

Where would we be without it?

Bodies without touch
Spirits without fire
Minds without hope
Hearts without ticking
Lost souls spinning
Circling darkness

Lonely grabbing on while the cold wind tickles their faces
Slow rain washing down
The perception believing all that they had
Nothing at all

Coloring our lives from the inside out

A circle you too can draw
Exchanging the brush for


Where would we be without it?
We cannot be!

Written by; Ana Weber

Random Acts Of Heroic Love

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