Tuesday, March 26, 2013

"The Energy of Belief" by Sheila Bender & Mary Sise - Book Review

Elite books (2007)

ISBN 9781604150193

“The Energy of Belief” is written by a licensed Psychologist and a Licensed Clinical Social Worker who combine both of their experience in the Energy Psychology field. This is a new branch of Psychology. Energy Psychology is described as, “…to include all psychologically oriented therapeutic strategies that incorporate the various forms of vibrational energetic influences and utilize the meridian system, the chakra system, or the area that surrounds the body called the biofields.” (page 29)

Our personal beliefs influence our internal and external perceptions of ourselves and the outside world. Holding on to negative beliefs can make us view things negatively. In Energy Psychology, a TAB (Touch and Breathe) method is used to help release these blockages that hold us back. This form of psychology can be used to treat common psychological afflictions. By using this form of treatment, we can take back control over our lives. Both professionals and lay persons can benefit from reading this book.

The first half of the book teaches the basic steps of TAB. This includes learning how to use a meridian based algorithm. Helpful pictures are included. The second half teaches us how to get below the surface of our thoughts to better understand our beliefs and emotions. It also shows us how to personalize our self-work by learn more about our own energy systems.

I found this book to be incredibly interesting. I loved that it was written in a concise manner that made it easy to follow and understand. I was able to do the practice exercises without difficulty. The pictures were also a great help. Each chapter ends with a paragraph to help you transition into the next chapter. As I read the book, I felt like the authors were speaking directly to me and that they understood my needs. There is also an extensive bibliography and helpful resources.

“The Energy of Belief” gave me a greater understanding of how my negative beliefs are holding me back. It taught me how to release the energy blockages that keep me stuck in certain patterns. I was so happy to get my hands on this book! As a woman with a Master’s degree in Counseling and a Reiki Master certification, it really pleased me to see that these two types of fields can be linked. I also appreciated learning that there is a scientific research to back this up.

All individuals on the path of self-healing will benefit from “The Energy of Belief.” I also highly, highly recommend this book to professionals in the field of mental health, medical health, and alternative therapies.

Reviewed by Paige Lovitt for Reader Views (1/08)

"The Energy of Belief" by Sheila Bender & Mary Sise - Book Review

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