Saturday, March 23, 2013

Excerpts From the Treasury of Quotes by Brian Tracy

Excerpts From the Treasury of Quotes by Brian Tracy consists of over 120 quotes covering 17 different life topics. It is considered inspirational and a great gift for those in need of uplifting encouragement. The quotes in this book can be applied to every area of life and are highly effective in times of trouble and discouragement.

One of the quotes found in this inspiring book is, “There lies within each person a huge reservoir of untapped potential for achievement, success, happiness, health and greater prosperity. It’s like a huge ocean unsailed, a new continent unexplored, a world of possibilities waiting to be released and channeled toward some great good. Remember, the Future Belongs To You!” This could potentially be considered one of the more life-altering quotes in the entire book.

Much of what you accomplish in life has to do with how you choose to spend your time. Those that choose to make the most of their time will definitely go far in life. It’s all about how productive you are with your time, as well as how much knowledge you possess.

Excerpts From the Treasury of Quotes by Brian Tracy also helps to motivate you when you can’t seem to get going. Most people know what they need to do, it’s simply finding the energy and the drive to do it. Another element of becoming successful comes from the realization of what you’re capable of. This book helps you to understand that if you can think it, you can just as easily achieve it.

Another famous quote from this book is, “The history of the human race is the history of ordinary people who have overcome their fears and accomplished extraordinary things.” When you take the time to reflect on this particular quote, you’ll come to the quick realization that this is very true. Now, what it is going to take in order for you to accomplish what you want is to obviously overcome your fears of failure and rejection.

Most people are held back in life by fear. They refuse to accomplish anything further than what they have already achieved because they do not want to face anything anymore challenging. Ultimately, people are afraid of failing. However, even the most successful people have faced failure over and over again. Take for example a basketball and a basketball hoop. You might throw the ball once and discover that you didn’t make it. But eventually, after a while, you’re going make it, and when you do, the rewards will be priceless.

Excerpts From the Treasury of Quotes by Brian Tracy helps you to put things into perspective and understand that after a numerous amount of trying, you’re going to get there. The saddest part of the story occurs when a person fails to try. Not trying eventually leads to wonder and a life full of “Well, what if I would have tried, what would have happened?”.

There is a chance that if you try, you’re going to fail. In the end, it’s all about positive attitude. The quotes from this book are designed to help you to understand that your life is full of open opportunity. As long as you’re still living and breathing, there is still time. It is what you choose to do with that time that will determine the outcome of your life.

Excerpts From the Treasury of Quotes by Brian Tracy

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