Friday, March 22, 2013

Graded Comics - What Are They?

What usually comes to your mind when you hear the word grade or grading? It is sort of rating a particular test or object, right? A test paper is usually graded to gauge how much the student understood the lesson. A car is graded to determine its state or condition; the same goes with antiques, houses, and, could you believe, even comic books?

That is right! There are comics called as Graded Comics.

Comics are of different types. Some are regarded as comics for kids, others as limited edition. There is also what is referred to as vintage comics. Vintage and limited edition comics, or comics that are regarded as having a very high value, are those that are usually graded.

Graded comic books are more expensive the higher the grade and the better the condition of the comic book. There are two ways to grade comic books: first you can grade it using your own knowledge on grading comic books, or second, hire somebody else to grade the comic for you; this is called as third party grading. The advantage of having a comic book graded by a professional is that you are certain the grade given is indeed reliable and credible. Why? Because these are people who has the most experience and knowledge on how the matter of graded comics go about. However, the only catch is that comic book grading is subjective. What might be graded as a very good comic book might not appear to be so as far you are concerned. But, nevertheless, with the professionals, grading will be mostly based on the market’s general perception of what a good comic book is.

Comics are valuable because these are pieces of literature that are valued and priced even if they are different from what is normally regarded as typical literature – novel, essay, and books.

Graded Comics - What Are They?

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