Monday, March 25, 2013

Want to Learn Some History - Like to Read?

We all know that we cannot believe everything in our High School History books as gospel, in fact, the we seem to change our history ever 10-20 years just to make it jive with what we want kids to be like when they grow up. Even the History Channel, which is a great way to teach kids, yes, and adults history, is not perfect. So, how can we get a better sense of it all you ask?

Well, why not do some elective reading? Does that sound like a plan to you? If so, then let me recommend some very good books to you on such topics of interest. I’d like to recommend the following books if you enjoy these types of historical topics;

  • “The Great Influenza” by John M Barry

  • “Isaac’s Storm” by Erik Larson

  • “Devil in the White City” by Erik Larson

  • “Thunderstruck” by Erik Larson

  • “Three Cups of Tea” by Greg Mortenson

  • “Mountains Beyond Mountains” by Dr. Paul Farmer

  • “Treachery” by Bill Gertz

  • “Marching Towards Hell” by Michael Scheuer

And, I’d like to add to the list Douglas Brinkley’s “The Great Deluge” to the stack. Why you ask? Well, it might change your perception of the Hurricane Katrina Disaster, because as it goes the media didn’t exactly get the whole story out there, like they should have.

Now then, I realize that is a rather large list, but it’s a good one, and if you read these books, you’ll begin to understand the reality of the history we think we know, and knowing the true history will most likely assist us from repeating it all. Please consider all this.

Want to Learn Some History - Like to Read?

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