Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Is it OK For Christians to Make Millions on the Internet? - No Failure Provision

Failure should not be a word in a Christian’s vocabulary. A book titled, ‘The Everyday Visionary – Focus Your Thoughts, Change Your Life’ was recently written by Jesse Duplantis. He is a Cajun TV minister who is successfully spreading the Word of God throughout the world. He has been a spiritual inspiration to me and my wife for years. We like him because he is down to earth and uses good humor to make his main points. I’ll relate what I understand about make no provision for failure from reading Jesse’s new book.

Jesse puts an emphasis on mental mapping your future, watch what comes out of your mouth and a Christian’s vision toward the future. Another key he emphasizes is making no provision for failure.

Making provisions for success requires that you must really get close to God. Jesse makes it clear, “As a born-again believer that God has your best interest at heart.” He wants to birth dreams in you. He wants to show you ways that don’t make a provision for failure. Get rid of an unfruitful mind-set. Evaluate yourself to see how much time you spend thinking about failure versus how much time you spend thinking about success.

The first step to actually failing is to make provisions to fail. In God’s eyes making provisions to fail are simply a lack of faith. You need to put your faith into action to make your vision happen. Practice successful thoughts.

Jesse’s studies have brought him to the conclusion that if you want to walk in the supernatural steps of God and if you want to fulfill your divine destiny, then you must put aside your natural reasoning and make no provision for failure. It implies in the Book of Philippians that God will supply all our needs according to His riches in glory.

This statement opened my eyes when he wrote, “There is a vast difference between believing in God and believing God.” The whole religious world believes in God. But many have a problem believing God. Wow, that is mind challenging. Think about it. How many Christians actually believe God’s Word is true and act upon it in faith? God’s Word can verify that it is OK for Christians to make Millions on the Internet and any other place that is legal.

I’ll stop here and ask myself if I am making provisions for failure or for success.

Is it OK For Christians to Make Millions on the Internet? - No Failure Provision

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