Sunday, March 24, 2013

Romance at Its Best - Virginia Brandon and Steven Morgan Make it Happen

The reckless desire of young lovers is well known in the annals of history and perhaps there was a time in your life when your passion took hold and your desire overwhelmed and consumed you. This is a time that makes you feel alive as the energy and chemicals flow through your brain; a time when passion is released; ah, to feel young again.

Well, if you remember such times like that in your life and you would like to relive them in a book I have the perfect book for you;
“Lost love Last Love” by Rosemary Rogers (also author of Sweet Savage Love and Dark Fires); Avon books a division of Hurst Publications, New York, NY; Date: 1980. ”The blazing conclusion to the tempestuous romance of Virginia Brandon and Steven Morgan”
Now then, let me explain to you what I enjoyed most about this book:
This book is about the reuniting of Virginia Brandon and Steven Morgan and it takes place during the Cuban revolution and then continues in the center of the dessert in the Middle East, and then abruptly ends in Europe. Since this love story takes place over three continents and has quite a bit of historical fiction in it, it makes for a wonderful story and one that will keep you flipping pages all night. The love scenes are incredible and the historical fiction is great.
If you like a romance novels this is one romance novel you must read and I would also recommended the other to romance novels that come before this in the series. Of course if you only have time to read one read this one.

Romance at Its Best - Virginia Brandon and Steven Morgan Make it Happen

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