Saturday, June 22, 2013

Addicted to Harlequin

Eight years ago I moved into an apartment with my husband and received a welcome basket. In this basket was a book, Harlequin’s Intrigue “The bodyguard’s assignment”. Honestly I didn’t want to read it. I wasn’t into those “cheesy romance novels”. I was wrong. Very, very wrong.

About two months after I put the book away, swearing never to read it, I fell at my husband’s work while I was seven months pregnant. I was put on bed rest, and this happen to be the same weekend nine-eleven was going down, so I couldn’t watch T.V. without freaking out and we had no real movies I wanted to watch while carrying my first child. So, I picked up the book. I’ve been hooked ever since.

Well hooked is putting it lightly… That picture I placed isn’t even half of my collection. Those are just my favorites! You’ll never see me without my nose page deep, or attached to my computer’s key board writing my own story inspired by one of the many novels on my book-shelf.

I have wondered away from Harlequin when my wonderful sister sends a good series my way. I have found some gems that kept me pre-occupied for a while. But Harlequin has always grabbed me back in. And it isn’t always Intrigue, or Blaze for more bite there is Erotica, Desire, or the more tame Historical, Romance and Super Romance.

Although, those who know Harlequin are more then familiar with their pages and are wondering when I’m going to get to the point. Well, because I have read so many of their books I’ve decided that I’m quite the Expert on what authors have been around for awhile and who are new and testing the waters. After eight years and three or more times a month visiting their website I don’t know what else can make me more of a Expert.

One of my absolute favorite authors in the Harlequin helm is Rita Herron. In fact there were three of her novels that had that suspenseful grab that had me running to the book store to get the next one of. This is actually not a series these are just three of my favorites.

A Breath Away~

I actually haven’t read this book in a few years, and just recently re-read it. I still found myself interested and surprised by parts of the book that I had forgot about. I love the way Rita Herron twisted the characters so you really didn’t know who the killer was until the end. I so enjoyed all the little shocking details that you just don’t see coming.

In A Heartbeat~

The minute this book starts your heart is in your throat and you just can not stop turning the pages to find out what happens next. If you’re a Harlequin fan, this is one I strongly suggest looking up!

Last Kiss Goodbye~

This book is a emotionally hard read for me. The brilliant way this book kept me captivated, is a rare and appreciated value. Many books try, though don’t quite succeed. Very well done, Ms. Herron. These three books are older and maybe a little hard to find, but well worth the effort!

Addicted to Harlequin

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