Monday, June 24, 2013

The Wealthy Writer - How to Make $100k a Year Writing For the Internet - EBook Review and Summary

There are many ways to make a good living as a writer on the Internet, and this electronic book, written by Nick Daws and Ruth Barringham, is jammed pack with valuable information that any writer in pursuit of a successful online career can benefit from. 

The main topics covered in the book are building a writer’s website, writing articles online, finding writing assignments, blogging, writing short reports and eBooks, and website commercialization. 

Building a Writer’s Website  

You need a website so that anyone in the world can find you and hire you, and a website is necessary for anyone promoting their own books or the works of others as an affiliate marketer.   

You don’t have to be an expert at building a website because there are many services out there to help you, but you do need to know the basics of HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) website language whether you have a website or not.  Google “pagetutor” and “w3schools” for web building and HTML tutorials.   

Writing Articles Online  

You can generate traffic to your website and promote your products and services by creating your own email newsletter or electronic magazine (ezine), writing articles for direct-paying and non-paying ezines as well as ezines that share advertising revenue with writers.   

You can also list your articles in ezine directories, use software to automate some aspects of the article submission process, and sell your articles directly to those in need of content.  Whether you get paid directly by ezines or not, submitting your articles to them is a great way to promote your website, blog or sales websites. 

Finding Writing Assignments

The first place to start is your own website because its content will demonstrate your writing ability, and you can create another website dedicated to promoting your writing services. 

You can also sign up with writer recruitment agencies, search for paid blogger and search engine optimization (SEO) copywriter opportunities, advertise your writing services to businesses, website owners, clubs, charities and any other organizations that can benefit from you writing talents. 


A blog is a type of website formatted like a diary as opposed to a regular website which generally remains in the same format.  A blog is typically managed by one person that posts information on it at regular intervals.  Two popular free blogging platforms, which are easy to set up and require little to no programming knowledge, are Google’s Blogger and WordPress. 

You can commercialize your blog, develop relationships with your followers, publish and promote your works, advertise your services, provide links to your other websites, and eventually turn your blog into a book. 

You can earn money posting content on company blogs and blogging about companies on your own blog.  You can also be a guest blogger on popular blogs to drive traffic to your blog or website, and exchange links with other websites and blogs. 

Writing Short Reports and Ebooks

Writing and selling short reports and ebooks may be the most lucrative way to make money online.  They are usually sold as instant downloads and can generate steady and long-term income.  Generally, short reports range from two to fifty pages, and ebooks range from fifty to a couple of hundred pages.  Free short reports and ebooks can be used as marketing tools to drive visitors to your website or blog. 

ClickBank, the world leader in electronic products, is a place where you can sell your short reports and ebooks.  You can also sell the products of others through ClickBank’s affiliate program for a commission, and affiliates can sell yours. 

Website Commercialization

When you pick a hosting company and plan for your website or if you have a blog, make sure that you can add affiliate links and reap commissions from Google ads when visitors click on them. 

There are many free website services out there but they may not allow you to commercialize your website.  The Google AdWords program in which you pay for advertising, and the AdSense program in which you can earn advertising commissions are discussed in detail in the book.   

Other Topics Covered

Some of the other subjects discussed in the book are website content suggestions, article writing and formatting tips, job ads for writers and job auction sites, writing web copy, writing for niche markets, sales page copywriting, negotiating your writing fees, getting access to thousands of affiliate programs, putting online articles in offline print, social networking, and payment processing. 


I highly recommend this ebook to anyone interested in starting a writing career online or taking their existing one to a higher level of success.  There is a wealth of tips, tools and resources in the book that any online writer can benefit from, and although the book is geared toward writers, anyone interested in building and growing an Internet business can use the information in this book.  The authors have thirty-five plus years experience as freelance writers, and their experience shows in this incredibly useful ebook. 

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The Wealthy Writer - How to Make $100k a Year Writing For the Internet - EBook Review and Summary

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