Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Tips On Designing Your Multimedia Product Covers

Photographs for multimedia products are a prerequisite to creating stunning and eye popping Audio CD’s, DVD’s and or book covers. As a matter of fact if you remember the old saying that ‘a picture can say a thousand words’ then you will understand that in today’s consumer driven society it’s never been more truer. So if that’s the case isn’t it important that authors, coaches, consultants and information marketers become more knowledgeable about how to use photographs to turn browsers into buyers.

Designing Tips Worth Following

Don’t worry it’s pretty easy to understand and most professionals only need a cursory amount of knowledge, you can leave the vast amount of work and details to their graphic designers. However that doesn’t mean you don’t need to know anything about the process and what has proven to work. As a matter of fact you have a great responsibility because you will be making the final decision as the buyer and the beneficiary of the profits of your effort.

Here are some tips for you to use when choosing a photograph for a product cover;

  1. The title of the product should be the most prominent feature on the cover.

  2. The picture needs to connect the story and the title together it’s the glue.

  3. Consider not using a picture, that’s right choosing colors for a background instead.

  4. If you are going to use a photograph then choose one that shares an emotion; happiness, fear, anger, success.

  5. You should strive to match color themes between this and all other items in your offerings as they strengthen your brand and give your brand a sense of continuity.

For Graphic Designers…
Now the guidance you give your designer is extremely important, so pay close attention to the following. First begin by sharing the above tips with your designer. Secondly DO NOT tell them that whatever they come up with will be fine. In addition ensure that you get at least 3 versions with the right to have at least 3 revisions for the final version.

Finally pay close attention to the back cover; this is also an important area that requires a great deal of detail. It must carry the same theme from the front it’s not an area where you can blend two different styles together for the purpose of hitting multiple emotions or messages. Restrain yourself from trying to say too much on the front and back, instead pick one thought to share and stick with it on both the front and the back.

In closing there will come a time when you will be indecisive and unsure about exactly what will sell. It’s at this point you should settle on simplicity, all your selling is ONE emotion, solution, outcome, experience etc. on the outside of your multimedia product. Just ask yourself what the most important point you are trying to convey with your product.

Do you have any products with excellent covers? If so please forward a link to me as I would love to showcase it on this web –

Tips On Designing Your Multimedia Product Covers

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