Tuesday, June 18, 2013

The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield - Another Look at This Classic

Why revisit a novel published in 1993? Because the message only gets stronger in time. I’m amazed as I reread this book how much I have forgotten that was so influential. Part of the message is that we are always running in search of new material when, in fact, we have most of what we need already in our minds and/or in our libraries to help remind us.

The story, as you may recall, tells of the search for a Peruvian manuscript containing nine insights into our lives:

1. The First Insight

We learn to recognize coincidences and learn from the coincidences, those occurrences such as meeting someone or reading something, or seeing an object that we had been thinking about. These happenings are not by chance, but are our awareness that something greater is at work in our lives.

2. The Second Insight

We begin to change our view of the world. This awakens us to an existence beyond our simple material survival; we see that there is more.

3. The Third Insight

The universe is a system of energy. We begin to heighten our senses to the beauty around us and to the people we encounter. Two or more people can use this energy to help one another.

4. The Fourth Insight

In understanding energy, we realize that humans have sought control of more energy, leading to control of others. There is, however, a universal energy that we an all tap into that is unlimited, which negates the need for any control.

5. The Fifth Insight

When we access the unlimited universal energy, we encourage more coincidences in our lives that lead us closer to our destiny. We learn there are “control dramas” that interfere with our energy. We either “intimidate” and try to control another or withdraw into a “poor me” stance. We either “interrogate” or remain “aloof.” We all fall within one or more of these four stances.

6. The Sixth Insight

In order to develop a clear idea of who and what we are, we learn to clear our past of our “control dramas.” Once we are clear, we begin to tap into our true destiny and are able to meet the coincidences to lead us closer to that desired end.

7. The Seventh Insight

We learn to be more aware of our thoughts in order to question our motives. This releases us to consciously move forward as we recognize the message from all individuals and events in our lives.

8. The Eighth Insight

This is a view of the future when many have progressed past the first seven insights into a world of helping each other to gain a better awareness through shared energy. Groups can accomplish more together and draw from one another’s energy.

9. The Ninth Insight

We begin to see our evolving selves and our destiny, as we gain an understanding of the changes necessary for a new world. Using our energy consciously is the key.

These nine steps to a better future are simple, yet they require time and attention. There are no short cuts or quick answers. Redfield reminds us of this information that we all know. How much of the work, however, have we done? Have we learned to tap into a universal energy to improve ourselves and others?

The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield - Another Look at This Classic

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