Wednesday, June 19, 2013

They Thought For Themselves by Sid Roth

Life’s Questions Answered

“They Thought for Themselves” is made up of testimonies and stories of ten very diverse Jewish individuals, who like Sid Roth dared to question the forbidden, think for themselves and find their God ordained destiny.

Individual writers have written their own story. The narratives have a common thread of personal success in individual career paths. Each contributing writer had become familiar with an emptiness or void in their spirit.

They all came to the same conclusion, “There has to be something more.” Each story presents a clear salvation message. Sid Roth provides transition comments which segue into the broader-spectrum of the book.

Barry Minkow’s story demonstrates the price of sin and the grace of God which provides forgiveness and new life. His life was filled with deception, fraud, business collapse. The Holy Spirit’s conviction brought him to confession, repentance, and salvation, and recompense. Rose Price’s testimony illustrates how forgiveness restored her to a new depth of meaning. Rose is a Holocaust survivor. She discovered that she had to forgive her tormentors before she could find the peace which removed the poison of hate deeply engrained within her. The Holy Spirit gave her a new intimacy with God as well as physical healing.

These testimonies are representative of the new life experienced by ten supernaturally changed individuals, who with Sid Roth found fullness of life when they were willing to think for themselves in their pursuit of truth.

“They Thought for Themselves” is another positive evidence that God is at work today. The book makes an ideal gift for a friend who is pursuing truth, Jew or Gentile. Roth’s writing is biblically balanced with strong contemporary testimonies of individuals who exemplify the fullness of experiencing a solid enduring Christian experience.

Destiny Image Publishers, Inc., 978-0768428421

As Reviewed for Destiny IMage

They Thought For Themselves by Sid Roth

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