Saturday, June 22, 2013

Homecoming - A Wonderful Compilation of Prose, Poetry & Senryu by a World Loved Seafarer

This thin book Homecoming…Prose, Poetry, and Senryu consisting of 140 pages is just packet with a whole bunch of antidotes and golden nuggets.   As a matter of fact, Jan Oskar Hansen has outdone himself with this book. The first poem “October Mood,” sets the stage for the rest of the book.   One could easily identify with the reality in the following lines of this poem: “A dead turtle on the road thrown out of a fast car by / someone fed up on having a pet that only ate lettuce / and lived wordlessly under the sink.” Goodness, this compares with the people throwing their cats and dogs out as they drive by for various reasons. This is the reality of today’s financial situation. However, why kill them? Instead they could have been taken to a pet shop and leave them there for someone who may need a pet.

If you are really looking for a great laugh read “Fado Concert” more than once. The ending will have you smiling. Politics certainly plays a comical roll in some parts of society. Under the circumstances, who would want to hear the mayor give a political speech at the end of a concert after experiencing a wonderful evening of enjoyment and relaxation? One more thing, “Party Times” will also get you going. Who would not remember those days, weather actual or at the movies? Events such as the ones in this poem are certainly memory refreshing.
The filtering of senryu, haiku, and tanka poems throughout the book will give you a quick laugh. Take this senryu for example: “An ugly woman / Deserves a dazzling poem / Every morning.” Wow! I had to take a walk and come back to my seat after reading those lines; however, I kept the book in my hand with my thumb on the page, and I was still laughing.
“Picnic” is an excellent poem. One would guess that dealing with the ants is better that having it rain on your parade. While in Florida I had to deal with cockroaches. They were jumping all over the picnic basket.  However, I would rather have the ants in that case. As to the after problem, we took off and later found a cockroach trying to hide between the back seats. Critter!  I had to stump him fast. It came in with the picnic blanket. One would guess that the trunk of a car where picnic food is located could be a dangerous place also.
The poem “Misfit” is certainly one to mull over. That must have been quite a day! After all the events experienced, I guess I would be drinking the drinks instead of listening to someone trying to order them. What a misidentification? This shows the extent of a person’s memory when it comes to names and faces. However, after watching the boat disappear forever, they would have really got the message about saying anything to me. Now that really funny!!!
This poetry book will also take you on a journey. Being a seafarer, one would imagine seeing a few travel poems to royally balance out the book. The poems are very scenic and each has a unique a story to relate. Starting with “Portugal’s Vanishing Donkey” gazing or philosophizing under a carob tree; to “Kashmir” and the metaphor of dead soldiers”; then the “Last Visit (Norway)” and the churches; with lamenting over “A Village in Afghanistan” and the women in colorful shawls; then stopping for a “Spanish Evening” and red wine for enjoyment; and ending with “Calcutta” which in itself is a treat of geography, this mini world tour is breath-taking for the reader.
This book is serious and yet humorous at the same time. Thought not an oxymoron, it related contrasting images with figurative language which appeal to the senses. One will be able to see symbology in this book relating to life by just reading the lines. Something will grab you in the poems is one way, shape or form while reading. The syntax flow of word is also uplifting and stimulating.
This is an excellent book to read and to keep handy for another reading. I really like the picture on the cover. Hopefully, that is not the ship that was lost. If not, happy sailing my friend and stay at the helm. As the last senryu in the book alludes, love may be overrated; however, it keeps us sane. Taking this into consideration should certainly bring about an ending that is happy. In the words of the French borrowed into English “Bon Voyage Captain!”

Homecoming - A Wonderful Compilation of Prose, Poetry & Senryu by a World Loved Seafarer

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