Wednesday, June 19, 2013

For a Five Star Competitive Edge! Read Brian T Cunningham's - Never Give Up

If you ever wanted to see inside the brains of a successful CEO, now is your chance. On my quest to find the knowledge that will give me an edge on the competition, I came across this wonderful book by Brian T Cunningham. Brian is not one of those CEOs who took huge bonuses while driving their companies into the brink of bankruptcy and are now sitting in front of congress looking for a bailout. In fact in the early years when his company was in trouble he not only didn’t take a bonus he took a pay cut. With these facts in hand you can rest assured that this is a man of substance and someone that you can learn from, both in how to run a successful business and life in general.

In Never Give Up we learn about Brian’s life as a boy who did not have much interest in education. This eventually led to his parents pulling him out of college and enlisting him into the Navy. When in the Navy the author decided that it might be interesting to sign up for submarine duty. This turned out to be one of those life changing moments. In order for him to qualify for submarine duty he would have to pass a variety of tests. At this point it sunk in that in order to get what he wanted in life he would need to have a solid education. When aboard ship a second principal emerged and that is teamwork, if the submarine was to function and survive, it would take the cooperation of the entire ship. He would eventually take these two facts along with others into the corporate world as a winning entrepreneur.

Brian along with Jack McDonnell and Ed Etess, were the three original people who took an idea and turned it into a very successful corporation: (CES) Computer Entry Systems Corporation. Along the way Jack and Ed dropped out, but Brian kept the company not only in good stead, but watched it grow many times over under his tutorship. Finally, after twenty years he felt it was time for semi-retirement and signed the merger papers.

Of the many things you will learn throughout the pages of this book, perhaps the most important will be that when working on accomplishing your goals, be persistent and it will pay off, or if you can survive you can thrive.

For a Five Star Competitive Edge! Read Brian T Cunningham's - Never Give Up

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