Monday, June 24, 2013

The Search For Unabridged Audio Books

You must have heard about abridged and unabridged versions of books. You must have wondered too what the difference is between them. Abridged books are condensed ones. They are shortened forms of original manuscripts. Traditionally condensing is done to make any book that’s biblical in length sound interesting to readers.

Now that audio books have become fad and traditional books are turned into audio files, you can listen to abridged and unabridged versions of books on audio. Primarily, this is done to cut production costs for audio book manufacturers. Imagine reading the classic Cinderella without an elaborate rendition of Cinderella’s plight with her step family? What about reading the Superman series in shortened form?

Most people read books because they want to experience the whole story and its characters or the whole 12 rules for business engagement. They want every detail to be included, not a summary or a general statement of concepts discussed. That’s the same thing with audio books. This is where unabridged audio books take the lead. They are for readers who want to have the original manuscripts as if fresh from the hands of the author. It is for those who want to read Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s novels in Spanish. A full-length audio book on The Art of War, for example, is not a mere semblance of the real thing. It is the real thing.

Perhaps the best thing that you can get from an unabridged audio book is more listening pleasure for a lower price. The problem resides on how much time people can spend reading; hence, the abridged books and audio books.

There are people who opt to read or listen to the original transcript of famous reading materials; but since most audio books are shortened, they rarely find the audio books that they want. The truth is they can be found in places where traditional books are sold whether online or off. In traditional bookstores, they have a certain section where unabridged book versions are found. Online, you can find new, used, and even rental unabridged books and audio books. There are also online bookstores that hold a vast collection of unabridged audio books in affordable prices.

Most of these bookstores only have the classic tales in unabridged versions of audio books. You look for one that has a complete list of all unabridged audio books whether it’s fiction or non-fiction.

The Search For Unabridged Audio Books

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