Monday, June 24, 2013

Audio Book Downloads - Are They For Lazy People?

With so many things automated for us these days, some people think that we are becoming lazier with every passing year. For instance, we no longer have to hand wash our clothes because we have a washing machine to do that for us.  We no longer have to get up off of the couch to change the channel as we have a remote control to do it for us.  And in many cases, when it comes to reading, audio books have taken the place of traditional printed books on paper.  But is the increase in audio book downloads a sign of us becoming more lazy?  Fortunately, the answer is “no.”

An audio book is simply a book recorded in a digital file format such as an mp3 file.  This file, when played through your mp3 player, CD player, or computer allows you to listen to your favorite novels, stories, and even informational books.  The idea did not simply come about because we are lazy, but rather because it enables the listener to retain more information through listening and also gives the opportunity to absorb that information while you’re doing other tasks.

For instance, people enjoy listening to audiobooks while they are exercising and working out.  Surely you have seen people use mp3 players while they are jogging or going about their daily tasks.  Listening to audio books is just as simple as that.  You can simply load the book into an mp3 player or a CD player, and listen to it through your own personal headphones while you are doing just about anything else.

You can listen to your books while you are running, lifting weights, cooking, driving, roller skating, skydiving, or absolutely any other activity that you can think of.  That is one of the greatest advantages of audio books: you can listen to them anytime and anywhere, while doing just about anything.

In conclusion, we can see that audiobooks do not make us lazy.  Instead, they give us an opportunity to catch up on the latest books and still be productive at the same time.

Audio Book Downloads - Are They For Lazy People?

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