Friday, June 21, 2013

Live Without Fear - Book Review of Fearless - Imagine Your Life Without Fear

When Christ is Great, Our Fears Are Not”

In  ‘Fearless – Imagine Your Life Without Fear’, Max Lucado examines the issue of fear, its roots and reasons and offers the only sustainable answer – confidence in Jesus Christ.

It starts with a discussion of ‘Why We Fear‘ and describes the contrast between faith and fear, what faithful and fearful behavior looks like, and the resulting affects they produce in our lives.

Max Lucado begins this focus on fear with a story of his brother’s own death, a result of his life long battle with alcohol describing the ultimate cause as fear.

The remaining chapters are addressed to specific types of fears. Fear of ‘Not Mattering‘, of ‘Running Out‘, of ‘Not Protecting My Kids‘, of ‘Overwhelming Challenges‘, of ‘Worst Case Scenarios‘, of ‘Violence‘, of ‘Coming Winter‘, of ‘Life’s Final Moments’, of ‘What’s Next‘, of ‘God Is Not Real‘, of ‘Global Calamity’, and of ‘God Getting Out of My Box‘.

The chapters are short and written in Lucado’s appealing, kind, conversational manner. If you have ever read (or heard) Max Lucado, you will understand his gentle, almost soothing writing and speaking style. It is unique to Max Lucado and adds greatly to his discussion of exposing fear and exalting faith in Jesus Christ.

There are personal stories he shares (such as the story of his brother Dee), poems, and practical plans for overcoming the issue of fear. I found his P-E-A-C-E-F-U-L plan particularly useful. It is found in Chapter Four.

As a Ladies Bible Study Teacher, I’ve recently become acutely aware of the ‘fear factor’ among many of the people in my life.  Before I read this book, I had come to the conclusion that fear is an opponent.  Fear is an enemy and must be battled.  This book also lists and describes the weapons needed to find a battle with fear.

The book includes a discussion guide which reviews each chapter using the three step attack of ‘Examining Fear’, ‘Exposing Fear’ and ‘Battling Fear’. These are great tools to use in a small group study.

I highly recommend this book for personal reading or in small group bible study.

-Hardcover: 224 pages
-Publisher: Thomas Nelson (September 8, 2009)
-Language: English
-ISBN-10: 0849921392
-ISBN-13: 978-084992139

Live Without Fear - Book Review of Fearless - Imagine Your Life Without Fear

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