Saturday, June 22, 2013

Like A Dog With A Bone By Lee Charles Kelley

Jack Field is an ex-cop, married to Dr. Jamie Cutter, the Chief Medical Examiner. An interesting combination when the ex-cop is also a dog trainer still attempting to solve crimes in which his wife is examining some of the victims. Sound involved? Well, it is!

Retired General Lamar MacLeary has a very disobedient dog for which he needs someone to train this digging monster. When the “digging” turns out to be human bones being unearthed, Jack has a mystery on his hands and this is right up his alley. When the bones are thought to be from the General’s dead wife, everything gets quite interesting. From this point, many characters are introduced into the book and the story, while keeping a storyline that is fairly interesting, does get bogged down due to the many involved.

The general is in a coma that actually keeps him safe from those that would hurt him, or kill him. Jack and some friends, some law enforcement, and some animal handlers, take on this case and several other cases that are intertwined. I felt the story could have been a lot better without so many diversified characters trying to do too much. I love dogs and most other animals, so the animal incidents I enjoyed very much, but the story eventually ends with satisfaction. That is if the reader can remember who is who, and what they are doing, in the book.

The book is readable but not one I would recommend as a top read.

Like A Dog With A Bone By Lee Charles Kelley

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