Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Dr Phil's Weight Solution Guide

Dr. Phil McGraw, emphasized in his book “The Ultimate Weight Solution: the 7 keys to Weight Loss Freedom”, the need to be realistic in handling the weight problem. To help one person face the personal truth, his book outlined seven key points to change oneself from inside out. It is only by being healthy can one achieve the weight that is realistic for one’s age and height. The 7 keys serve as the weight solution guide for all people who strive to lose weight.

1. Right Thinking-being an optimist attracts positive energy and emotion to stimulate work. One should strive mightily to discard any negative thought. Our emotions are reflected in our appearance. Most people who are stressed out with too many anxieties look rather old; their sadness and depression are manifested even in the way they think and react to situations.

2. Healing Feelings-people who suffer from depression, stress and anxiety gorge on foods as an expression or method of pouring out their emotions. This must be stopped along with the pattern. Dr. Phil advised that by recognizing the onset of depression or stress, the person could choose to engage in activities that make the body and mind relaxed.

3. Health-conducive environment-design the surrounding areas in a way that it also prevents the individual from binge eating.

4. Mastery over impulse eating-one must stop the habit of bingeing on foods for any reason whether good or bad.

5. Eat for the health-Dr. Phil stressed that foods like whole grains, dried beans, fruits and vegetables are not fast and convenient foods. They require preparation and effort, though it’s rich nutrients that work together for the health and weight.

6. Designed exercise-Dr. Phil accentuated the importance of this guide. The exercise must be deliberately done for losing weight to unlock the door to body control.

7. Group of support-this goal needs support from environment and relationships that contribute positively to be healthy in mind and body.

Dr Phil's Weight Solution Guide

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