Saturday, June 1, 2013

Book Review - The Greatest Salesman in the World

Og Mandino was a best-selling author who wrote 15 books that mostly dealt with positive mental attitude and overcoming obstacles to achieve your goals. His first book is his best-selling book. It is the classic book, “The Greatest Salesman in the World”.

When I first read this book, it surprised me because I thought it was all about selling. It is about selling but in a way that is a win-win situation for both the seller and the buyer. It is about selling in terms of giving not taking. Does that make sense?

Most people would have a negative connotation with selling and salesman (or salesperson). When you look at the entire context of selling, it is more than just a profession. It is a skill that can be developed and refined. When a man courts and dates a woman, he is selling. When a parent wants their kids to do their chores, he or she is selling. When a kids wants to ask something from their mom or dad, they are selling. Selling is a skill. It is a skill that should be developed especially since we are always selling when we are dealing with people.

This is the mastery of Og Mandino’s book, “The Greatest Salesman in the World”. Through the story of a young camel boy who wants to improve his lot in life and marry a young lady, he illustrates the plight of this young boy. His main motivation was for the love of a young lady who did not even know him. Then, Og Mandino uses 10 scrolls that have lessons to empower this young camel boy named Hafid to become a better “salesman”. Through Hafid’s journey, you can apply the same principles or scrolls to become a better “salesman”.

The first scroll is about starting a new life. The past is the past. Most, if not all, people have failures and struggles that will hinder your progress to move on with life. The first scroll discusses that challenge.

Then, the proceeding nine scrolls deal with love, persistence, emotions, humor, pro-activity, etc. When we deal and engage with these emotions and characteristics, we can become a better “salesperson”.

This book, “The Greatest Salesman in the World”, will help you develop that skill of salesmanship (or salespersonship). You will be a better business owner, better parent, better relative, better worker, better son or daughter, etc. You will be better because you will learn to improve your inter-personal skills by developing your intra-personal skills.

Book Review - The Greatest Salesman in the World

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